Corrector Koltsov No. 3 "Burner of excess adipose tissue for women.".
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FSC №3 contains a program for the correction of the endocrine system (weight loss) in the female version
Producer: LLC "Planet of Regions". "Blue" series
FSC No. 3 - Koltsov's corrector with a program for correcting the endocrine system (weight loss) in the female version.
The human endocrine system is a system of endocrine glands, this is one of the main systems of regulation of the body, which is carried out through hormones that have high biological activity (ensuring growth, development, reproduction, adaptation, behavior). FSC No. 3 is a program for restoring all processes from the genital area to the thyroid gland. On Koltsov's plate No. 3, many programs against women's diseases are prescribed, from inflammatory to dysfunctional. Also, a lot of specific women's antitumor programs are prescribed here.
Since the central link of the endocrine system is the hypothalamus and pituitary gland, in case of any dysfunction (hormonal failure), it is sometimes desirable to apply plate No. 3 to the top of the head on the projection of the hypothalamus - pituitary gland system.
The endocrine system works in the body in conjunction with other systems, such as the nervous and immune systems. And as soon as the work of hormones is restored, the fat burning program will begin to work (for those who are shown it) - both internal and subcutaneous. At the same time, it is important to exclude alcohol from your diet for a while.
When the metabolism is restored, the fat burning program begins to work
At FSC No. 3, programs for the restoration of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, pancreas, spleen, and gonads are prescribed. At the same time, the monthly cycle in women is normalized, the appearance improves, menopause is reversed..
FSC Koltsov plate #3:
- Contributes to the normalization of the female peripheral endocrine system and the restoration of hormonal levels;
- Stimulates the burning of excess subcutaneous and internal fat against the background of harmonization of the endocrine system;
- Promotes body volume reduction and weight loss;
- Restores metabolism, normalizes the production of enzymes;
- Accelerates metabolic processes, the breakdown of fats and carbohydrates;
- Contributes to the normalization of appetite;
- Normalizes water-salt metabolism, removes excess fluid, reduces the effect of "orange peel" (manifestation of cellulite);
- Normalizes the state of the intestinal microflora and the female genital area;
- Prevents the development of precancerous and tumor processes in women;
- Prevention and assistance in the treatment of a wide range of gynecological diseases;
- Restores physiologically healthy and full sleep;
- Provides a surge of strength and energy;
- Stabilizes the emotional state during critical days and menopause;
- Reduces aggressiveness in men (associated with excess testosterone).
Polarization of the following components is registered on FSC №3:
- drug on the DNA of salmon, stimulating the female endocrine system, intercellular metabolism and gynecological sphere;
- Jerusalem artichoke for the normalization of pancreatic activity in diabetics;
- kudin, polarization of Chinese tea from the highland plantations of Fr. Hainan;
- ginger, pineapple, Caucasian hellebore, dragon fruit (Thailand), pomelo (Thailand), modified immovine;
- anti-cellulite 1 (a complex topic for burning subcutaneous fat), anti-cellulite 2 (a complex topic for burning internal fat);
- cosmetic tea, relaxant, complex topic for accelerating cell regeneration;
- thistle;
- theme from psychopathogenic influences.
The Maya Cosmic Theurgy channel - ARRI - was registered to normalize metabolism and get rid of excess weight.
.Use FSC No. 3 in the morning.
Noticeable changes in the state can be observed after 3-4 weeks of using FSC.
In the presence of acute conditions, you can put FSC on the area of pain (except for heart pain). In the presence of heart pain, be sure to pump the skeletal system.
You can add lubrication of the limbs with structured water or pre-structured ointments.
In chronic diseases, noticeable changes in the condition can occur after 1.5-3 months or more.
- The main purpose of FSC is to change the structure of aqueous solutions. It is recommended to drink several glasses of water structured on any FSC, bringing its total volume, excluding other drinks, to 30 ml per 1 kg of body weight per day.
- To increase efficiency, it is recommended to periodically perform various pumping through the energy centers, you can find more details about the techniques in the brochure "Methods of using FSC". Below is a simple technique using 2 FSCs to pump the skeletal system: put one of them under the left leg, take the second in the right hand for 3-5 minutes.
- Change the position of the FSC, i.e. shift the first FSC under the right leg, and take the second one in the left hand. Duration - similar to paragraph 1 (3-5 minutes). You can start with the right leg and left hand (p. 1) with the transition to the left leg and right hand (p. 2).
- Place one FSC under the coccyx, hold the other one on the cervical region for 3-5 minutes. It is advisable to repeat this procedure in the morning and evening. Additionally, paragraph 3 can be repeated throughout the day.
- For skin lesions, it is recommended to structure solutions, creams and gels once for external lubrication of the lesions.
- When applying FSC, the water in the stream is structured instantly. Therefore, the FSC can be attached to the faucet/shower head by wrapping it in a plastic bag.
- It is necessary to structure water with FSC AFTER boiling and/or heating.
- In order to increase the life of the device, a sudden change in temperature is not recommended.
- If a FSC has a special structuring time, then it is indicated in the description of a specific FSC. We would like to note that this structurization time is indicated for water previously poured into the container. If you want to speed up this process, then use the FSC as a stand under the container where you pour water, and then create the so-called "vortex flow" with a spoon. Then the structuring of water will take only 1-3 minutes.