Proofreader Koltsov "Companion". Winter series "Planet of Regions"
Are available
139 EUR 89 EUR
FSC "Companion" contributes to the maintenance of the physiological functioning of the immune system, faster recovery after illnesses, recovery from injuries, surgical interventions
Producer: LLC "Planet of Regions". "Winter" series
FSC "SORATNIK" helps to restore and strengthen the body's defenses
- Helps restore and strengthen the body's defenses in case of vegetative-vascular dystonia, alleviate fatigue, mental and physical stress
- Contributes to the maintenance of the physiological functioning of the immune system, faster recovery after illnesses, recovery from injuries, surgical interventions
- It has a regenerating and softening effect, helps to cleanse and restore the skin
- Has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system
- Aimed at restoring the elasticity of blood vessels, promotes blood thinning and prevents thrombosis
- Promotes the restoration and normalization of all types of metabolic processes in the body
- Promotes the complex restoration of physical strength and maintenance of physical activity at the required level
- Has a harmonizing effect on the emotional sphere, helps to tune in with society, while maintaining the inner core of the "I"
FSC "SORATNIK" is shown:
- During seasonal illnesses, with weakened immunity
- To maintain the body in the presence of autoimmune diseases, as well as diseases of unknown etiology, protracted recovery processes, apathy, fatigue
- In complex therapy for cardiovascular pathology, metabolic disorders (diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis, etc.)
- During the rehabilitation period after surgery and trauma
Polarization of water from Lake Kamenskoye near the village of Kamenskoye was registered at the FSC "SORATNIK". Menyushi, Shimsky district, Novgorod region.
The time of water structuring at the FSC "SORATNIK" is at least 4 hours.
Recommendations for the use of the FSC "SORATNIK":
- It is recommended to start using together with FSC "SOYUZNIK"
- Compatible with all previously released FSCs, especially with "MANASAROVAR. KAILAS", "INDI", "GOBI GOLD", "AMARANT"
- Drink FSC-structured water, pump, wear it while in society