Proofreader Koltsov "The Hidden Lake". Exclusive series Planet Regio
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FSC "Secret Lake" is a quick restoration of the energy balance of the body and physical strength. In combination with FSC "Danilovo Lake" - a general rejuvenation of the body..
Producer: LLC "Planet of Regions". "Exclusive" Series
Polarization of water from the Hidden Lake is registered on the FSC "Secret Lake".
FSC "Secret Lake" carries the slowest, lowest-frequency rhythms, the longest time is to keep water on this plate for complete structuring. On the "Secret Lake" water is completely structured in an hour (here we mean four-element FSCs, on FSC with five elements, water structuring occurs an order of magnitude faster).
FSC Koltsov's plate "Hidden Lake" is:
- Quick restoration of the energy balance of the body and physical strength;
- Restoration of the immune status by restoring the functions of the thymus gland;
- General body rejuvenation in combination with Danilovo Lake FSC;
- Powerful bactericidal action;
- Systemic healing effect on the body;
- Increased life expectancy;
- Beneficial effect on animals and plants - increases adaptive capacity to aggressive environmental conditions, improves vegetative properties, greatly increases plant productivity and animal fertility.
In the Muromtsevsky district of the Omsk region there is a place known throughout Russia. This is a small village with a modest name Okunevo. Many legends are associated with it, the most famous of which is the legend of the Five Lakes. Not far from the settlement there are four well-known lakes far beyond the Siberian region: Danilovo, Linevo, Shchuchye and Urmannoe (Shaitan Lake). According to local beliefs, there is also a fifth one - the Hidden Lake, which does not allow everyone to approach it.
Five lakes are surrounded by legends. Everyone remembers Pyotr Ershov's fairy tale about "The Little Humpbacked Horse", about how Ivanushka the Fool came out like a fine fellow after bathing in mysterious cauldrons. But Ershov himself was a native of Omsk and lived for a long time in this very village of Okunevo. Maybe there is some truth in the old fairy tale?
In August 1992, a seemingly inconspicuous event took place in the small Siberian village of Okunevo: its population increased by one person. This villager was a foreigner, Rasma Rozite. Now her appearance in Okunev is legendary. As if Rasma came to Okunevo on foot from ... India, where she spent 8 years in the ashram (spiritual community) of Shri Babaji until his departure to another world in 1984..According to ancient Indian treatises, these lakes are “born of the cosmos” and it was in these places that the great battle between Rama and the Evil Forces took place. In this battle, the hero named Hanuman provided invaluable help to the deity, for which he was gifted with the lands of Siberia. According to legend, he founded the Great City with the Temple, in which the Crystal of Wisdom sent down by the Cosmos was kept. According to one version, this Temple of Hanuman should be located somewhere near Okunev.
Scientists say that the Okunev Lakes could well have appeared from a meteorite that fell like a fragment. This hypothesis is confirmed in the form of lakes (all lakes are elongated in one direction), their depth. Among other things, magnetic anomalies, seismic vibrations and other "oddities" are observed here.
The hidden lake, according to legend, is located on the right bank of the Tara, about 250 meters from the coast. They say that it has the shape of a regular circle and is very small. Translated from the ancient Indian language (Sanskrit), which has been out of use for many centuries, the word Tara means “savior”, according to another version - “star”. The oldest underground structures discovered in the Omsk region are in some incomprehensible way connected with India.
It is believed that the Hidden Lake is specially hidden from people and allows only the Chosen to access its water. But how the lake distinguishes the Chosen from everyone who wants to see it with their own eyes is not at all clear. But the selection tool is the absence of any roads or paths to the lake through the Kitlin Swamp. Not a single all-terrain vehicle will pass in those places, except perhaps some kind of miracle hovercraft. The water of this lake is considered the most healing of all five lakes - and just (according to local legend) the addition of this water to the water of the other four lakes eliminates all diseases.
Mikhail Rechkin is a well-known researcher of anomalous natural phenomena, journalist, writer, organizer and coordinator of complex scientific expeditions to study the unique Okunev energy phenomenon in the north of the Omsk region: “The energy potential of water from the Potayonnoye Lake is several times higher than the water in Danilovo Lake! To increase life expectancy, you can mix and drink water from these two lakes.
.- The main purpose of FSC is to change the structure of aqueous solutions. It is recommended to drink several glasses of water structured on any FSC, bringing its total volume, excluding other drinks, to 30 ml per 1 kg of body weight per day.
- To increase efficiency, it is recommended to periodically perform various pumping through the energy centers, you can find more details about the techniques in the brochure "Methods of using FSC". Below is a simple technique using 2 FSCs to pump the skeletal system: put one of them under the left leg, take the second in the right hand for 3-5 minutes.
- Change the position of the FSC, i.e. shift the first FSC under the right leg, and take the second one in the left hand. Duration - similar to paragraph 1 (3-5 minutes). You can start with the right leg and left hand (p. 1) with the transition to the left leg and right hand (p. 2).
- Place one FSC under the coccyx, hold the other one on the cervical region for 3-5 minutes. It is advisable to repeat this procedure in the morning and evening. Additionally, paragraph 3 can be repeated throughout the day.
- For skin lesions, it is recommended to structure solutions, creams and gels once for external lubrication of the lesions.
- When applying FSC, the water in the stream is structured instantly. Therefore, the FSC can be attached to the faucet/shower head by wrapping it in a plastic bag.
- It is necessary to structure water with FSC AFTER boiling and/or heating.
- In order to increase the life of the device, a sudden change in temperature is not recommended.
- If a FSC has a special structuring time, then it is indicated in the description of a specific FSC. We would like to note that this structurization time is indicated for water previously poured into the container. If you want to speed up this process, then use the FSC as a stand under the container where you pour water, and then create the so-called "vortex flow" with a spoon. Then the structuring of water will take only 1-3 minutes.