Proofreader Koltsov "The Smile of the Sun". Elite series "Planet of Regions"
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FSC "The Smile of the Sun" brings a miracle to life, transforms a negative emotional background, helps to eliminate conflicts
Producer: LLC "Planet of Regions". "Elite" series
The polarization of water sampled on the day of the summer solstice, June 21, 2022, is registered on the FSC
The structuring time is 20 minutes..
- Maintains the inner potential of positive energy, despite what is happening in the outer space
- Helps remove negative charge from the auric sheath
- Disbands, transforms negative emotional background and enhances intuition
- Feeds the user with the energy of the Sun and returns them to the Light
- Releases from old destructive programs, aggression, increasing and maintaining the inner potential of light in a person
- Activates the connection of the 4 Elements in a person, shows a greater energy potential, allows you to discover and approve the best qualities of each user - strength, wisdom, self-sufficiency, confidence, integrity, philanthropy
- Activates the energies of health and enlightenment through turning the gaze inward, helps to understand oneself and in dead-end life circumstances
- Brings a miracle to life (wonderful event sequences)
- Creates the strongest field for the fulfillment of intentions, especially personal, love and family ones
- Helps the user to keep luck in their hands, solve life problems, contribute to the improvement of various areas of life
- Helps to protect from troubles, creates and fills the space with the energy of calm, peace, trust, coziness and comfort
- It gives inspiring energy, attracts interesting ideas to the user's mind related to the discovery, development and expansion of opportunities, the organization of new projects, the search for training options, new types of earnings
- Creates the prerequisites and conditions for changing the type of activity (if there is a request and desire), contributes to the acquisition of the necessary skills and knowledge
- It triggers positive impulses for the development of personal relationships, harmonization of the situation in the family, elimination of conflicts and misunderstandings between generations, in teams (especially in a school where bullying often occurs), helps to understand and work out the causes of conflicts / psychological traumas (even if no longer remember what started it all)
- Enhances the user's Divine power and charisma, increases the feeling of self-confidence, in their power as a Co-Creator
- Gives strength that helps to unite people, and also fills life with the energy of a smile, happiness, helps to release tension in the body, muscles, incl..face (remove spasms, “mask of discontent”)
- Activates human needs for spiritual transformation and conscious development, working with the subconscious, helps to gradually change at a deep level according to new Higher energies
- Helps you set your mood, switch from negative to positive (see Suggested Use)
- Gives you the opportunity, when communicating with nature, to receive hints through trees, stones, crystals, etc.
- Creates a unique tandem with FSC "THREADS OF THE UNIVERSE"
- The special energy of the topic written at the FSC allows you to forgive all insults, try to accept what has already happened so that you can move on with a light heart and an open soul
- Be sure to drink structured water, pump, also put it at the head or under the pillow while sleeping to harmonize the space in the broadest sense of this concept (room, aura, physical state, etc.)
- An indispensable Corrector for the time of solitary stay - reflections, meditations, search for an inner source of strength, filling. To carry out these processes, it is recommended to sit on the plate, you can lie down, putting it on the 1st energy center, from several minutes to several hours (be guided by your feelings)
- FSC helps to process and environmentally express negative energy, works as a "girlfriend", "companion" or "accidental fellow traveler", to whom you can lay out all your joys and sorrows. You can create an intention to work out problems or tasks in different areas, write a note, space code
- To quickly calm down in case of tears, stress, panic attacks, nervous states, you need to take the FSC in your hands at the level of the solar plexus and breathe deeply for several minutes
- If a person does not use FSC, denies their effect - just drink structured water. And put it on a cooler or under a carafe, from which the whole family drinks water
- It works well with hyperactive and aggressive children, so it is recommended to put this FSC in the "children's" space, incl. in kindergartens, schools. Highly recommended for children of new energies (indigo children), as well as for all the "white crows" who stand out from other children
- Structuring "solar aromatic oils" (cinnamon, eucalyptus, saffron) helps to quickly improve the internal state and improve mood through the sense of smell and activation of the subconscious
- With the help of FSC you can charge your jewelry, talismans, amulets with the energy of the sun: put them on the plate for 15-20 minutes
- Perform living space cleansing practices: from washing the floor with structured water to general cleaning
- Structure anti-aging cosmetics (rejuvenation): creams, tonics, massage products (buccal, sculptural, relaxing) and self-massage..You can apply FSC to areas of tension and clamps on the face and body
- FSC is a really effective tool for the work of psychologists, massage therapists, cosmetologists, osteopaths, educators, teachers, speakers
- To create or improve mood, successful public speaking, it is recommended to pump: put the FSC "LOVE" on the soul for 1-2 minutes, then on the 2nd energy center, then with the Corrector "SMILE SUN" for 1-2 minutes, work the muscles of the face (wave , just touch), then transfer it to the 6th energy center and then hold it in your hands. No more than 10 minutes