Proofreader Koltsov "Awakening of the Soul". Elite series
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139 EUR
FSC "Awakening of the Soul" helps to return to the real world of living human communication, fills with energies of optimism, joy, happiness without an internal state of anxiety
Producer: LLC "Planet of Regions". "Elite" series
FSC with 8 elements is the result of research and the results of many years of practical application of functional state correctors, as well as a great desire to improve and create the best product for you in striving for something new!
In the new FSC format with 8 elements, modern technologies are used to increase the effectiveness of the impact and increase the speed of the correctors.
FSC "AWAKENING OF THE SOUL" helps to return to the real world of living human communication, fills with energies of optimism, joy, happiness without an internal state of anxiety
- It helps to eliminate the internal state of anxiety, confusion, anxiety from the uncertainty of situations, events, the state of affairs in life and the environment
- Activates the user's process of generating the energies of love by the Spirit through the purification of the Soul from negative programs of fear, negativity, fills the Soul with Divine grace
- Fills with the energies of optimism, joy, happiness, love of life, harmonious acceptance and tranquility, immerses in a state of healthy altruism, a positive outlook on current events - "everything is fine, but it will be even better"
- Adjusts the user to a sense of stability, confidence, understanding that happiness is a path, the very process of living life, and not the end point of the Soul's journey in this incarnation
- It helps to eliminate the feeling of insecurity and fear when looking for a job, interviewing, before changing the profile of activity or point of professional application in society, to create a comfortable state when moving to a new place of residence
- Aimed at returning to the real world of living human communication, in which everyone can be themselves, accepted, understood
- Creates a favorable field for harmonious communication and interaction of people in space, thereby contributing to easy adaptation in an unfamiliar team or meeting place; removes unpleasant, toxic people from the social circle
- Protects and preserves user space from natural disasters
- Helps to improve the condition of the organs of vision in various ophthalmic diseases (for example, conjunctivitis, uveitis (inflammation of the choroid), iridocyclitis (photophobia, pupillary constriction), etc..)
- Helps eliminate skin damage - cuts, abrasions, burns, reduces the likelihood of keloid scars after surgery
- In the complex therapy of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, it helps to restore human motor functions after injuries, in diseases of the joints and spine
- Helps prevent diseases associated with the growth of pathologically altered cells
- Helps eliminate the general weakness of the body, incl. after illness, charges the user with divine power and powerful energy
At the FSC “AWAKENING OF THE SOUL”, the polarization of the water of the healing spring from the cave of God’s Mountain near the village of. Velikie Berezhtsy (Kremenets district, Ternopil region, Ukraine).
- Apply to adults and children for easy adaptation in a new class, in a new team or point in space (business trips, travel, team change)
- Perfect for companies, parties, friendly gatherings in reality - it creates an atmosphere of sincerity, friendliness, association, common interests, good mood without the use of modern gadgets (smartphones)
- FSC, like a good, kind friend who always supports, protects, lends a hand and lends a shoulder in the right situations, treats with full acceptance and respect
- When working with the FSC "MIR", it is recommended to use it for working with children with autism spectrum disorders or closed people who find it difficult to adapt in society
- It is used in the complex therapy of ophthalmic diseases along with traditional means (drugs) as a means of active assistance
- For faster recovery after diseases, when there is constant fatigue, weakness, lack of vitality
The time of water structuring at the FSC "SPINING THE SOUL" is 15 minutes.