Corrector Koltsov in the form of a bracelet "Health Navigator"
Are available
139 EUR
Koltsov's FSC bracelet "Health Navigator" contributes to the renewal and restoration of the liver and biliary tract, normalizes their functional state. Increases resistance to stress, normalizes the emotional background, has a sedative effect
Producer: LLC "Planet of Regions". FSC-Bracelets
A healthy lifestyle is a philosophy and concept of human life, aimed at improving and maintaining health through appropriate nutrition, physical fitness, morale and the rejection of bad habits. Each of us periodically encounters this concept and shows a desire to join this relevant and modern trend in health improvement. But not everyone knows yet that in our time to achieve better and faster results in disease prevention and health promotion is possible with the help of modern technologies - the use of the FSC bracelet "HEALTH NAVIGATOR", which gives strength and endurance.
The FSC-bracelet "Health Navigator" contains the themes of the following FSCs: No. 2 "Detox", No. 5 "Rehabilitation", No. 11 "Healthy lifestyle", "Spring of Shambhala".
FSC bracelet "Health Navigator" action:
Contributes to the renewal and restoration of the liver and biliary tract, normalizes their functional state
- Promotes the "detox effect" - enhances the detoxification function of the liver, helps the overall cleansing of the body, removing toxins
- Helps to restore the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, the production of enzymes, improve peristalsis
- Promotes the prevention and correction of inflammatory processes of different localization in the body
- Helps restore metabolism, normalize the composition of micro- and macroelements
- Increases resistance to stress, normalizes the emotional background, has a sedative effect
- Helps the body recover more quickly during active loads, when physical and psycho-emotional forces are depleted
- It contributes to the development of disgust and thereby the removal of cravings for various harmful substances that cause psychological dependence (alcohol, tobacco, etc.)
- It helps to find the source of a person's inner strength, to show his true spirituality, to increase his energy level, and helps to remove obstacles to spiritual growth
FSC bracelet "Health Navigator" means good health and good mood! A modern effective assistant to every person for healing the body and good spirits!
- FSC bracelets can be worn on the wrist or around the ankles (depending on the type of bracelet) constantly or as needed, depending on the solution of certain tasks.
- Women are advised to wear the FSC bracelet on their left arm/right leg, and men on their right arm/left leg. FSC bracelets can be worn alternately on both arms/legs.
- It is allowed to wear different bracelets on different arms/legs at the same time in any combination. At the same time, it is recommended to monitor the body's reaction to the effect of the applied combination of FSC bracelets.
- It is recommended to remove bracelets at night (especially “FITNESS”).
- Using FSC bracelets, you can structure water and other liquids by placing a glass of water in a closed bracelet.