Proofreader Koltsov "Incas". Elite series "Planet of Regions"
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FSC "INCI" helps a person to be in a state of "flow" for the maximum possible time - the unity of the spiritual and physical components of the space of being, when a person realizes himself in specific actions according to his destiny
Producer: LLC "Planet of Regions". "Elite" series
FSC "INCI" is recommended to every user who strives in his life to implement the principle of perfection and optimal functioning of the physiological, mental, spiritual processes of a person and the knowledge of the deep structures of the human personality.
- Aimed at appealing to the depths of their subconscious, so that each user can better hear and understand themselves, their purpose
- It helps to strengthen the contact of the spirit and the body, the manifestation of intuitive thoughts and the performance of intuitive actions, the growth of the productivity of life processes
- It helps a person to be in a state of "flow" for the maximum possible time - the unity of the spiritual and physical components of the space of being, when a person realizes himself in specific actions according to his destiny
- Aimed at adapting the body and increasing stress resistance to changing circumstances, the influence of various factors
- Encourages the development of the ability to anticipate events, make decisions, create situations, achieve your goals faster and easier
- It helps to feel the connections of the subtle and dense worlds, tune in to creation and the energy of active actions in a state of harmony of soul and body
- It fills with calm and powerful energy at the same time, clarifies feelings, encourages an active life position, gives confidence
- It promotes the manifestation of creative abilities, in case of a "creative crisis" it sets you up for positive and helps you get out of energy, emotional and spiritual stagnation
- Helps to make difficult decisions in a crucial period, based on the highest goals of the universe
- Brings into a state of conscious perception of the interconnection of all people and events, understanding the contribution and meaning of each thought, all words and deeds to the general energy state of affairs on the planet
Polarization of various places of power Machu Picchu (Peru) is registered on the FSC "INCI".
The time of water structuring at the FSC "INKI" is about 2 hours.
FSC "INKI" is combined with all previously released Correctors, especially recommended for combined use with FSC "POWERFUL WATER", "WINNER", "NEUROVITA", "LONGEVITY", "SACRED CAVE", "GOLDEN SAND". p>
- The main purpose of FSC is to change the structure of aqueous solutions. It is recommended to drink several glasses of water structured on any FSC, bringing its total volume, excluding other drinks, to 30 ml per 1 kg of body weight per day.
- To increase efficiency, it is recommended to periodically perform various pumping through the energy centers, you can find more details about the techniques in the brochure "Methods of using FSC". Below is a simple technique using 2 FSCs to pump the skeletal system: put one of them under the left leg, take the second in the right hand for 3-5 minutes.
- Change the position of the FSC, i.e. shift the first FSC under the right leg, and take the second one in the left hand. Duration - similar to paragraph 1 (3-5 minutes). You can start with the right leg and left hand (p. 1) with the transition to the left leg and right hand (p. 2).
- Place one FSC under the coccyx, hold the other one on the cervical region for 3-5 minutes. It is advisable to repeat this procedure in the morning and evening. Additionally, paragraph 3 can be repeated throughout the day.
- For skin lesions, it is recommended to structure solutions, creams and gels once for external lubrication of the lesions.
- When applying FSC, the water in the stream is structured instantly. Therefore, the FSC can be attached to the faucet/shower head by wrapping it in a plastic bag.
- It is necessary to structure water with FSC AFTER boiling and/or heating.
- In order to increase the life of the device, a sharp change in temperature is not recommended.