FSC Pendant No. 17 "Hornbeam" from 04.06 to 13.06; from 02.12 to 11.12
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It is recommended to choose "Pendants" by the date of your birth in accordance with the horoscope of the druids: No. 17 GRAB 04.06 - 13.06; 02.12 - 11.12. Astrologers attribute Grab a penchant for military art and diplomacy..
Producer: LLC "Planet of Regions". FSC "Pendant according to the horoscope of the Druids"
4 - June 13 - Summer Hornbeam gives the impression of a charming child: flirting, laughing at trifles, touchingly preoccupied with his appearance, but the more he tries, the more amusing the effect. He is charmingly helpless, and is only good at one thing - gratefully accepting the help and teachings of others. But a red commissar lurked in his soul: he would like to march through life without avoiding obstacles and force everyone to serve his idea.
A beautiful tree, but without much charm. From a young age it is often very beautiful, but over time it loses this quality. GRUB treats the world around him with indulgence. This is the type of aesthete. His attention is drawn to the form rather than the content. In his personal life, he is primarily interested in his own superiority.
Has a pronounced tendency towards discipline and obedience. Loves differences, dreams of awards and honors, yearns for admiration from others. Most of all, he likes to obey the established order and therefore rarely takes the initiative. Decision making is accompanied by the fear of making a mistake. At the same time, he has a sense of responsibility and justice. He does not like deviations from generally accepted rules, reluctantly leaves the straight, trodden and proven road. And he treats new ideas with caution, at the same time being an opponent of the attitude: "Oh, it doesn't matter!".
In love, he is distinguished by great decency. Feeling is regarded as a responsible matter. He makes a sweet and pleasant partner. But if life offers him a choice between love and duty, as a rule, he chooses the latter.
Features of those born under the sign of HORNBEAM: intelligence, intuition, fantasy, a penchant for artistry.
2 - December 11 - Winter Hornbeam is outwardly aggressive. He either competes with someone, or seeks to lead. He acts ahead, thinks straightforwardly, and is able to negotiate only in the event of a complete and unconditional surrender of the opposite side. But deep down he is a romantic and an idealist. Most of all, he wants compliments, talking about high feelings and the guidance of those who "know how to do it." For a person born under the sign of the Hornbeam, formalization is characteristic, for him the form is more important than the content, duty is above everything, including love, long hesitation in choosing a decision. The hornbeam is a sign of shaping, formalism. Rationality and calculation. Grab's charm is cold; this is a type of aesthete.
He takes care of himself, carefully eliminates and polishes annoying behavioral traits of others, but for some this smoothness, good looks may seem boring, insipid. G. has a well-groomed appearance, carefully maintained health, and a comfortable life..He treats everything with a somewhat condescending indifference, emotions are muted. Dreams of honors, insignia.
The desire for discipline, conscientiousness, diligence, observance of the letter is strongly expressed. Most of all, he is satisfied with obedience to established rules, he rarely takes the initiative, is always afraid of making a mistake, has a sense of duty and legitimacy. Favorite reasoning - right or wrong? He reluctantly turns off the beaten and proven path, treats new ideas with restraint, but is hostile to the "whatever" principle.
In love, he is characterized by great decency, he considers feelings a serious matter, he can be a pleasant and sweet partner. But if you have to choose between love and duty, he will prefer duty. He dreams of experiencing something extraordinary, but more often they love him than he himself. Communication is often smooth, boring-formal. Grab often thinks and sometimes thinks for a very long time, afraid to make a bad choice. An unusual situation is like a splinter.
Does not want to be deceived, does not trust people. His work is about bringing forms to perfection and arranging the results in a generally accepted, easily digestible form. His worldview is strictly materialistic, and he rises to spiritual heights by steps of a gradual refinement of the understanding of materiality. And this, unfortunately, is a long way of wandering in details, symbols, letters, between many trees that obscure the whole forest.
For a long time, information is accumulated, details are compared by external similarity, the norm is revealed (if it is revealed). A lot of material accumulates, but it still fails to arrange it, to connect the crumbling heap with the forces of the pure type G., everything remains rough.
.- Attach Koltsov's FSC pendant to your chest or stomach.
- Close your eyes and mentally open up to the tree corresponding to your sign (pendant)
- Imagine how its energy penetrates you and spreads throughout your body.
- When dealing with a tree, the emotional component is important, it must be approached with an open heart.
- Merge with the tree as one, imagine that you are it, and it is you, and stand without thinking about anything and without worrying about anything until you feel that you are energized.
- A sign of a quality session is various shades of tenderness and gratitude to the tree.