Proofreader Koltsov "The Power of Lada". Elite series "Planet of Regions"

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139 EUR

FSC "Power of Lada" activates the energy flow of the Goddess Lada - the flow of love, harmony and beauty, and also enables a person to adjust all energy flows, especially Anahata - the energy center of the Goddess Lada, rejuvenates a person

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Producer: LLC "Planet of Regions". "Elite" series

The use of the FSC "POWER OF LADA" in your life will give you the opportunity to constantly be in a state of joy from harmony, mutual understanding and harmony. To establish relationships in the family, to become a creative person, a noble and fair person. Activate the female Tribal hypostasis. To open the heart center and manifest Divine love through yourself and experience the emotion of the Goddess Lada - “Ladodas” is the joy of harmony.

  • Activates the state of harmony and harmony in the soul and mind of a person
  • Allows a person to live in harmony with himself, other people, nature and space
  • Enables the successful resolution of life situations
  • Encourages human awareness of the ancient wisdom of "to get along is to OWN"
  • Harmonizes and builds relationships in the family
  • Activates the energy of the Genus (the female hypostasis that gives life to all living things), absolutizing it with its creative energy
  • Activates a state of complacency in a person
  • It helps people to find the joy of mutual understanding, unites and unites people
  • It makes it possible to gradually raise the level of the human psyche to the highest Divine level (and turn the weak into the strong, from the cowardly into the brave)
  • Awakens in a person the golden miracle of Divine love, which was, is and will forever be
  • Solves fertility problems and prevents a wide range of gynecological diseases
  • Helps to attract couples and strengthen family alliances
  • Activates the energy flow of the Goddess Lada - the flow of love, harmony and beauty
  • Enables a person to adjust all energy flows, especially Anahata - the energy center of the Goddess Lada, rejuvenates a person
  • It endows a person with powerful energy of life and activates the high cosmic principle of creation in a person
  • Promotes mutual understanding, joyful interaction and consolidation of people
  • Activates in a person the highest qualities coming from the heart - conscience, honor, nobility, justice

On the FSC "POWER LADA" the polarization of the cosmic energy channel of the Goddess Lada is registered.

The time of water structuring at the FSC "POWER LADA" is about 9 hours.

Recommendations for the use of FSC "POWER LADA"

  • The structuring of water or food with the help of FSC "POWER LADA" can be carried out at any time. Additional information: special time for energy practices, meditations, prayers with the help of this FSC at 18:00
  • For new users, it is necessary to work with FSC in a dosed manner at first, gradually getting used to the new energies. The first contact should be within 15-20 minutes, then 1-3 minutes will be enough for attunement
  • It is possible to fix the emotion of joy from the fret in yourself as follows: take the FSC in your right hand, tighten your neck a little and touch the hand with the FSC to the right carotid artery for 18 “beats” (beats) of your heart. Do the same with the left hand with the FSC and touch the left carotid
  • You can activate the power of the fret by listening to or playing musical instruments (including the guitar, 9 tonic or 9 string harp)
  • Light purple color and topaz crystal, together with the use of FSC, give the power of the Goddess Lada
  • Recommended both for independent work and for use with other FSCs, for example: FORMULA OF LOVE. YANG”, “FORMULA OF LOVE. YIN, LOVE, No. 18, SYNCHRONIZATION, LIGHT OF SUCCESS, BEREGINYA, No. 3, FEMALE, FORTUNE, No. 15, LIGHT OF LIFE, YOUTH APPLE, RELOAD. CLEANING", "REBOOT. FILLING", FSC-bracelets "CHAROVNISH", "MAGNAT".

The time of water structuring at the FSC "POWER LADA" is about 9 hours.

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