Proofreader Koltsov "Endovita". Elite series "Planet of Regions"
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FSC "ENDOVITA" is recommended for people suffering from acute and chronic pancreatitis, cholecystitis, cholecystopancreatitis. Especially recommended for people who take medicines for a long time
Producer: LLC "Planet of Regions". "Elite" series
FSC "ENDOVITA" - improvement of the pancreas.
- Intended for the prevention and correction of pancreatic diseases (acute and chronic pancreatitis, cystic formations)
- Helps to stop inflammatory processes of various etiologies, prevents the occurrence of cicatricial formations of the connective tissue of the pancreas
- Promotes correction and prevents the formation of PIC (pathologically altered cells), cysts and stones in the pancreas
- Promotes the synthesis of hormones that regulate the metabolism of carbohydrates in the body (insulin and glucagon)
- It contributes to the regulation of exocrine pancreatic activity, the release of digestive enzymes into the small intestine, starting and regulating the process of digestion and absorption of food
- Helps to eliminate dyspeptic digestive disorders (heaviness, nausea, vomiting, flatulence, stool instability, etc.)
- Inhibits development and corrects inflammation of the gallbladder
FSC "ENDOVITA" is recommended for people suffering from acute and chronic pancreatitis, cholecystitis, cholecystopancreatitis. It is especially recommended for people who take drugs (hormones, antibiotics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) for a long time, with autoimmune diseases, metabolic disorders (diabetes, obesity, bowel diseases, especially thin) and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. FSC is recommended for every person with an unbalanced diet and living in conditions of shortage of natural high-quality food.
A channel of Cosmic Theurgy "MAYA" TAMIYASHCHE, designed for the prevention and correction of pancreatic diseases, was registered at the FSC "ENDOVITA".
Affirmations when working with FSC "ENDOVITA"
I open the channel: “The channel of Cosmic Theurgy “TAMIYASHCHE” for the treatment of the pancreas - start!” I give the following settings:
- I cleanse the pancreas from negative deposits, negative toxins and negative programs.
- I normalize the production of enough insulin and glucagon to regulate the metabolism of carbohydrates in the body.
- I activate secretory cells to produce enough pancreatic juice.
- I destroy intraductal protein "plugs" and calculi (stones)..
- I make the walls of the vessels of the pancreas elastic.
- I make the permeability of the vascular wall minimal.
- I destroy foci of necrosis in the pancreatic parenchyma.
- I stop the impact on the vascular bed of vasoactive substances that lead to circulatory disorders at all levels: tissue, organ and systemic, which is the cause of dystrophic, necrobiotic and necrotic changes.
- I normalize water-electrolyte, carbohydrate, protein and fat metabolism in the body.
- I destroy infectious seals in the pancreas, purulent inflammation of the bile ducts and pancreatic ducts.
- I give a powerful antivirus to destroy viruses, microbes, bacteria and the inflammatory process.
The time of water structuring at FSC "Endovita" is at least 20 minutes.
.The time of water structuring at FSC "Endovita" is at least 20 minutes.
Affirmations when working with FSC "ENDOVITA"
I open the channel: “The channel of Cosmic Theurgy “TAMIYASHCHE” for the treatment of the pancreas - start!” I give the following settings:
- I cleanse the pancreas from negative deposits, negative toxins and negative programs.
- I normalize the production of enough insulin and glucagon to regulate the metabolism of carbohydrates in the body.
- I activate secretory cells to produce enough pancreatic juice.
- I destroy intraductal protein "plugs" and calculi (stones).
- I make the walls of the vessels of the pancreas elastic.
- I make the permeability of the vascular wall minimal.
- I destroy foci of necrosis in the pancreatic parenchyma.
- I stop the impact on the vascular bed of vasoactive substances that lead to circulatory disorders at all levels: tissue, organ and systemic, which is the cause of dystrophic, necrobiotic and necrotic changes.
- I normalize water-electrolyte, carbohydrate, protein and fat metabolism in the body.
- I destroy infectious seals in the pancreas, purulent inflammation of the bile ducts and pancreatic ducts.
- I give a powerful antivirus to destroy viruses, microbes, bacteria and the inflammatory process.
- The main purpose of FSC is to change the structure of aqueous solutions. It is recommended to drink several glasses of water structured on any FSC, bringing its total volume, excluding other drinks, to 30 ml per 1 kg of body weight per day.
- To increase efficiency, it is recommended to periodically perform various pumping through the energy centers, you can find more details about the techniques in the brochure "Methods of using FSC". Below is a simple technique using 2 FSCs to pump the skeletal system: put one of them under the left leg, take the second in the right hand for 3-5 minutes.
- Change the position of the FSC, i.e. shift the first FSC under the right leg, and take the second one in the left hand. Duration - similar to paragraph 1 (3-5 minutes). You can start with the right leg and left hand (p. 1) with the transition to the left leg and right hand (p. 2).
- Place one FSC under the coccyx, hold the other one on the cervical region for 3-5 minutes..It is advisable to repeat this procedure in the morning and evening. Additionally, paragraph 3 can be repeated throughout the day.
- For skin lesions, it is recommended to structure solutions, creams and gels once for external lubrication of the lesions.
- When applying FSC, the water in the stream is structured instantly. Therefore, the FSC can be attached to the faucet/shower head by wrapping it in a plastic bag.
- It is necessary to structure water with FSC AFTER boiling and/or heating.
- In order to increase the life of the device, a sharp change in temperature is not recommended.