Proofreader Koltsov "Contemplation of Fire". Elite series "Planet of Regions"
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FSC "Contemplation of Fire" gives energy for successful movement towards the goal, helps to feel one's presence in the Stream, makes up for the lack of care, promotes the transformation of evil through the energies of transformation
Producer: LLC "Planet of Regions". "Elite" series
The water polarization of the energy portal is registered on the FSC on December 05, 2022, during the Zoroastrian holiday of the Fire of the Priests and during the Christian holiday of the Entry into the Temple of the Most Holy Theotokos.
Structuring time - 20 minutes.
- It strengthens the inner core of the user and thus shows that spirituality is not about “flying away” into the world of subtle matters, abandoning the earthly with criticism of the material and non-spiritual, but to ground yourself and bring spirituality into the earthly, material, into your life
- Neutralizes attempts of socio-psychological influence on the user's psyche in order to manipulate consciousness
- Helps to make up for the lack of care, gives insights (insights, answers from above) that the user has always received care, just differently than he wanted or imagined, i.e. in a different form, in a different format. Helps to raise memories - how, where and when a person received care, thinking that it was not
- It gives a state of lightness and unhurriedness, calm observation-contemplation of what is happening, measured movement towards one’s goals in synchronization with the external speed of events, therefore the phrase “Stop, rest, take your time, do not be afraid, there is a time for everything” li>
- Slows down the rhythm of life, but does not relax, but mobilizes in a calm, confident state. You may get the feeling that you don’t notice how time passes, it seems to be “stretching”
- It slows down, calms the “hurry-ups” who are afraid of not being in time, missing out, losing and becoming guilty, punished, blamed, losers, and therefore fuss, drain energy and make mistakes from excessive stupid fuss
- Restores the user's inner potential for harmony
- Promotes the burning of contaminated layers of negative emotional and mental energies
- It gives a vision of the real picture of what is happening and, as a result, an understanding of what should not be done and what needs to be done for the further life path. At the same time, it stops you from hasty conclusions about ongoing events, eliminates fear of them, fills you with the state of a calm observer from your own depth about what is happening outside with an understanding of the true state of things
- Reveals the truth to the user: nothing is lost and nothing is over, just a pause..Helps to endure the period of "stagnation", which is actually a respite to replenish energy, moral and physical strength
- Activates the element of Fire in the user, burns out all obsolete, old and unnecessary energies for later life, promotes the transformation of evil through the energies of transformation, restores all good things in a person's life
- It helps the user to feel their presence in the Stream, to live in joy and with joy, to move from the necessary state of contemplation to actions in a state of fullness and in wise calmness
- Gives the user the opportunity to access the spiritual developments of the Family, awaken their True Spiritual Fire, which is related to the Family, heritage, ancestors - all the best that the genetic memory keeps in itself
- It gives you a chance to discover the most unique possibilities of the Family, to get in touch with the sacred heritage of the greatness of your Family, to get protection from the negative entropy that a person brings into life at the level of genetics and passes on through the family system
- Illuminates the path in the darkness of life and contributes to the manifestation of heart "fires", enhancing the luminosity of the Soul
- Balances the user's Soul, gives firm confidence in the victory of Spirit over flesh and Life over death
- Gives impetus to creativity in any field, the arrival of new ideas, the discovery of talents, fills with the desire to live, create, gives opportunities and energy for successful movement towards the goal
- Removes the user's unconscious desire for a premature change of dimension
- Retains the user's Spirit Flame and the fiery sparkle of thought
- Fills relationships in a man-woman pair with warmth, smiles, cheerful joy, removes disagreements
- Helps to establish relationships and fruitful interactions of people in different teams (office, creative studios, etc.), unites by Spirit and interests
- Gives a balance of all energies, uniform opening and filling of all energy centers (chakras) of the user with new content
- At the level of the 4th energy center (chakra), it fills the whole body with the energy of purity, lightness, peace, contemplation, while maintaining a state of "here and now"
- Influencing the 6th energy center (chakra), it gives a clear vision of any situation, which causes a smile to appear inside the user, which, in addition to gaining peace, contributes to the production of energy of high quality and order (the so-called.."high vibrations")
- Promotes the activation of energies that renew the human body, cleanses it at the cellular and aural levels
- Helps relieve pain caused by tension by removing/dissolving clots of negative energy accumulated while communicating with people
- Transforms the activity of vital organs in a positive direction
- Aimed at eliminating irritability, excessive emotionality and helps to work out the internal state with persistent depression
- Aimed at eliminating edema, normalizes the flow of lymph and blood
- Affects the production of hormones that cause anxiety (cortisol, adrenaline) and, as a result, increased heart rate, gently reduces and normalizes their performance and blood levels. Thus, it helps to prevent falling into a state of chronic stress, when all organs and systems suffer
- Helps to stabilize the nervous system, teaches the body to quickly “turn off” and get out of a state of tension, stress and depression
- It helps to align the structure of the body both on the energy and on the physical level (left-right, yin-yang, mental balance, homeostasis, clamps, blocks) on all planes, increases the perception of other FSCs to achieve a sustainable result
- Prevents and improves the energy state in neuropsychiatric diseases, cardiovascular disorders, diseases of the spinal cord and brain, pancreas and eyes
- Helps the user to pass the last exam in life for health reasons - old age, turn on the rejuvenation mode and reduce the biological age. Those. helps this exam pass, not quit
- Supports the fire of mindfulness in the mind (preserves memory, supports cognitive functions)
- Deeply harmonizes the user's ectoplasm (the outer layer of the etheric body)
- Creates a unique tandem with the FSC "BREATH OF THE UNIVERSE" - immerses you in a state of active contemplation of life, leads to filling with energies of a higher order, helps to start the process of holistic restoration of the body (Spirit, Soul, Body), creates a protective space, activates the channels of abundance li>
- The energy of the FSC is female, affectionate, maternal, it envelops the user with care, transfers to a state of joy, awareness of one's own usefulness, an inner state of peace
- The corrector is very important for those who lacked care in childhood and who believe that now they lack care from others
- When contemplating the stars, the rising and setting Sun from the FSC (during pumping), it allows the user to access the living energy of Cosmic Fire
- Irreplaceable in case of loss of hope, in a state of despondency, fatigue
- Necessary for all people, especially in old age, to maintain clarity of mind and long memory
- Use in meditation to get answers to the desired request, which must first be clearly and correctly formulated
- When using FSC for faster implementation of intentions, it is necessary to pass them along with thoughts and feelings through the flame of a candle
- The use of FSC and lighted candles helps the user to purify and elevate his thoughts, to harmonize the psyche
- When using candles with FSC to pass the "exam for old age" or in other cases of using candles and FSC, say when lighting each of the 16 wax candles: "I dedicate the smoke from the combustion of all these 16 candles to the transformation of the energy of illness of old age into the energy of health and youth." 16 candles should be used only in the practice of transforming the energy of old age. In other cases, 1 candle is enough
- After quarrels or during conflict situations, it helps to defuse the situation, maintain dignity, and not cross borders to the point of no return
- Keep the Concealer in your office (or any work) space for a productive and friendly working environment
- Turns the user's home into a good temple..Carefully place a candle on the FSC after clearing the space with FSC No. 16
- Can be kept in the field of sleep (bed, bedside tables)
- Great tool for osteopaths, and also for home practice of spinal alignment (slow process, but effective)
- More often sit with FSC by the fire, fireplace or look at burning candles
- Be sure to follow the recommended drinking regime, do pumping
- Combines with any previously released FSC of all series, create your own unique combinations