Proofreader Koltsov "Afrosiab". Elite series "Planet of Regions"
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139 EUR
FSC "Afrosiab" prevention and correction of a wide range of diseases, gives insight, forms confidence in the future
Producer: LLC "Planet of Regions". "Elite" series
Polarization of water from the spring of the ancient city of Afrosiab (Samarkand, Uzbekistan) is registered on the FSC.
Water structuring time - 15 minutes.
- Promotes the prevention of male diseases of various nature, gives the "strong half" activity and dynamism
- Works with gynecology: corrects, prevents diseases, gently helps relieve spasms
- Supports the functioning of the cardiovascular system, prevents the user from the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases (for example, heart attack), incl. by activating yang energies
- Supports the functioning of the nervous system, brings a state of inner peace
- Improves muscle condition and turgor
- Contributes to the normalization of the weight category, maintaining weight within the physiological limits of the norm (subject to the principles of a healthy lifestyle)
- Actively turns on the 1st, 2nd energy centers and the user has: a thirst for life, vitality, physical health, healthy sexuality appears
- Activates the energies of love of life through feelings of wholeness with the Absolute
- Contributes to protecting the user from any hostile energies
- Harmonizes the work of the right hemisphere at high energy levels, thinking becomes clear and structural, structure, logic, and the ability to set goals appear in thoughts and actions
- Gives the ability to achieve the desired result, provided that no harm is done to anyone or anything, i.e..the user's possibilities can become endless with a conscious involvement in life and an understanding of responsibility for what is happening
- It helps to enjoy the theme of the relationship between a man and a woman in the whole spectrum of sensations - from harmonious intimacy to spiritual unity
- Aimed at eliminating variants of negative generic experience, scenarios of unsuccessful past relationships, so as not to repeat the same mistakes (out of patterns)
- Strengthens the inner core, thereby helping to feel confident in the future, reveals previously unexpressed or unmanifested potential - as if wings grow behind one's back
- Activates the user's courage, determination, endows with insight, concentrates energy, so it is not possible to spray and waste one's potential, helps to make the right decisions in life
- Gives such self-confidence that the question of confidence disappears completely - "I know what to do, and I will do it" to determine important steps in my future (vector, landmark)
- Fills with calmness, helps the user to live a happy and fulfilling life in the present moment
- It pushes back inner feelings, restores a protective "screen" from the past (thoughts, actions - everything that can no longer be changed)
- Sets up for good deeds from the heart, from the Soul where it is really needed
- Helps to work through fears, gives paternal support (does not dominate, just accompanies), heals the “inner child”, especially for people who grew up in single-parent families (without a father or if the relationship with a stepfather did not work out)
- In psychological techniques, it helps to work out existing grievances, sometimes very deep and serious, against the father, the male energies of the ancestors, helps to feel the supportive energy of the parent even in his physical absence
- Creates an amazing tandem with the FSC "MAGIC OF LOVE" - aimed at creating the Highest harmony in combination of manifestations of truly masculine energy with the beauty of feminine energy, forming and maintaining relationships, as well as for effective healing of a person
- FSC energy is powerful, but very delicate, paternal (wise parent)
- It is necessary if you need to quickly replenish energy - to pump the 1st and 2nd energy centers
- Important for men and women entering into re-/next relationships (marriage)
- For use in adolescents of both sexes who develop hormonal levels, girls with painful menstruation
- For the prevention of male diseases, to normalize the functioning of the prostate: place the FSC on the middle zone of the nose and at the same time hold your attention above your head at a distance of approximately 30-50 cm for 3-5 minutes. Then you move the FSC to the zone of the corners of the lips alternately to the right and left, and again the attention goes up to the same distance. Like looking at yourself from above. According to the information zones of the body, the corners of the lips are connected in humans with the reproductive system, and the center of the nose with the prostate and uterus. At the same time, you can fasten the FSC “MAXIMUS” to the level of the 2nd energy center (chakra) (in the absence of prostate adenoma)
- In case of diseases of the reproductive system in men, pump through the information zones of the body: FSC "AFROSIAB" to the 2nd energy center, and FSC No. 2 "DETOX" and "NEPHRITE" to the inguinal zones for 3-5 minutes
- Those who spray, grab on to several things at once, or switch their attention, as a result of which everything falls out of hand
- Required for all users who did not have a father, male paternal support, or who have accumulated a lot of resentment against male ancestors on the paternal side, if they did not have a relationship with their stepfather
- Suitable for users who are unsure of their own abilities, those who feel lost in this life, abandoned by God, who lack the Power of the Spirit to solve difficult situations that have arisen
- An excellent tool for psychologists, psychotherapists, regressologists, constellators
- To everyone who leads an active lifestyle, goes in for sports, fitness, prepares for competitions
- For weight loss and maintenance programs
- Combined with all previously released FSCs, shape your wellness programs