Proofreader Koltsova “Bacalar. Cenotes of the Yucatan. Elite series
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FSC “Bacalar. Cenotes of Yucatan" opens up the opportunity to gain ancient knowledge, to realize one's talent through the energy of manifestation of achievements on the material level
Producer: LLC "Planet of Regions". "Elite" series
At FSC “BAKALAR. CENOTES OF YUCATAN" the polarization of the water of the cenote of the Witch (In charge of ancient knowledge), Bacalar Lagoon, Yucatan, Mexico.
- Promotes initiation, expansion and deepening of the level of knowledge, competence in areas that are of particular interest to the user, from science to esotericism
- Helps the discovery of ancient, secret knowledge to turn on the spiritual heart; they contain the keys to healing old programs at the Soul level
- Reveals abilities/talents in the professional path intended from above, provides help and support in finding this path and may lead to a change in the field of professional activity to the one intended
- Contributes to the preparation of a "fertile ground" - a space for the realization of talent on a full scale and the manifestation of a "point of application" in a professional life path, and also aims to increase the level of user skill, "polishing" and the manifestation of all facets of a person's talent (maybe not even in one area)
- It nourishes the user with the energy of the earthly plane, gives support in life and forms a state of gaining ground under one's feet, thereby opening up the energy of manifesting achievements on the material level, increasing the level of well-being through the acceptance and disclosure of one's talent
- Realizes the ability of the FSC user to influence the events happening to him through the manifestation of his own volitional qualities
- Gives the user the ability to master the art of persuasion, which plays an important role in communications, negotiations, communication
- Helps to realize plans and desires about material things, removes the limitations of consciousness
- Aimed at the realization and fulfillment of the experience of the Soul of past incarnations in the current life
- It helps to manifest and transfer from the subconscious to the physical level the accumulated talents and abilities passed down by ancestors by genus. For example, healing (herbal medicine, lithotherapy), ear for music, the ability to communicate with animals, etc..Creation of dynasties
- Improves cell metabolism, prevents obesity
- It has a strong sorbing effect, cleanses the body of toxins, and is effective for detoxifying the body
- It has a beneficial effect on the skin, cleanses the epidermis, so it can be used to structure cosmetic products - scrubs, peels
- Regulates the user's water-salt balance, helps to gently relieve swelling
- Helps improve thyroid function
- Prevents the development of diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous systems, gastrointestinal tract
- It has a neuroprotective property, normalizes the condition of the nervous and muscle tissue
- It can be used for insomnia, when a person does not sleep, but “twirls thoughts in his head”, with increased nervous excitability, stress
- Awakens intuition, promotes the disclosure of Divine abilities
- Powerfully harmonizes the surrounding space, giving everyone the opportunity to show and realize their talent and their abilities
- FSC turns on gradually, as the user grows spiritually
- You can attune with the FSC as follows: put the plate on the 6th energy center (the area of the 3rd eye) to receive an information package of knowledge (which opens exactly from the level of the Soul), then put it on the area of the thymus gland between the 4th and 5th th energy centers (Soul level) and for several minutes you are in a state of inner contemplation. In this state, you can ask a question, express an intention
- Effectively infuse (structure) useful herbs for 15-20 minutes, the water should be about 85-90 degrees (without boiling), then drink the received informatized water with awareness and readiness to receive information (it can come during the day, depending on user level)
- It is recommended to use in aromatherapy - structure oils (especially jasmine, rose, patchouli, ylang-ylang), then apply them on the wrists (in pure form or dilute with base oils), spray indoors with an aroma diffuser (you can put FSC under him)
- To gain new knowledge about stones, herbs, minerals, knowledge of runes, symbols, numbers, letters, stars, the Moon, etc. If a person is interested in the deep knowledge of our ancestors, they will be revealed, you just need to learn how to accept this information through work with the help of FSC. Information will be unpacked gradually, as the result is assimilated. New knowledge will come at the level of the 6th energy center (chakra).
- Important for everyone who strives to realize themselves and succeed in their chosen profession
- Required for those who are building their brand - professional, personal
- For those who want to improve their skills and gain new knowledge in their field
- For seasonal cosmetic procedures
- To use for meditation, you can sleep with FSC by applying it to the area of the Soul (on the thymus gland between the 4th and 5th energy centers) in order to clear negative programs and restore energy "breakdowns" in the user's biofield during sleep< /li>
- Purple color (all shades) plus gold color are the energies of magic and miracles. You can attract them into your life by applying FSC and wearing clothes or accessories in such colors..For those who believe in miracles, everything comes true
- Compatible with all previously released FSCs, especially in complex application through pumping with Correctors: all plates of the "blue" series, "RAPA", "JADE", "YUDEK", No. 9 "HEALTH HEART", "NEYROVITA", " LAM SPRING", №18 "SYNCHRONIZATION", №20 "CLEANSING", №24 "INCLUSION", "SILVER STREAM", "TAPIRA CAVE. CENOTES OF YUKATAN, GRACE, YOUTH APPLE, WISDOM, ETERNITY, HEALTH, LOVE, GOBI GOLD, GOBI CODE, GOLDEN SAND, MYSTERIES OF THE UNIVERSE, TALISMAN", "INCA", FSC-bracelets "ACTIVATOR OF INTELLIGENCE", "MAGNAT"
Water structurization time at FSC “BAKALAR. CENOTE YUKATAN” — 6 hours.