Gate of Destiny. Application of FSC Correctors of Koltsov's functional state in treatment..

Question: How will we understand the correct path of fate when applying the FSC "GATE OF FATE". Through some emerging thoughts?
Luzginova S.V. (November 29, 2020): No, look, not just thoughts. Firstly, people do not know how to observe their thoughts, but they know how to be aware of emotions - positive or negative, that they experience. You will begin to notice that less and less often you begin to experience negative emotions. You will more and more attract positive thoughts that will be sent to you by the forces of light, and in connection with this, all your life situations will begin to improve and will open ... You understand, each person has different scenarios in temporary portals: there are positive scenarios of fate and there are negative destiny scenarios. As a plus and a minus, and depending on what a person nourished himself with - what emotions, what thoughts, what thought forms he radiates, it automatically seems to be .... He resonates either to his positive fate or to his positive fate. Either he walks along the dark path or along the light path. The dark path leads to the destruction of all good, and the light path leads to a good destiny. So, the FSC “GATE OF FATE” he seems to take automatically. A person begins to attract into his life, the consciousness of a person changes. Why do we say that it is very important to turn on your awareness when working with this or that corrector? We begin to consciously manifest our awareness and begin to understand that the negative radiated by…. when we radiate negative emotions, create negative thought forms, we worsen our destiny. We will talk about how to improve your destiny, this is just the beginning ... You will improve your life situations and therefore your destiny will also improve. Here's what will happen..