Dentistry. Application of FSC Correctors of Koltsov's functional state in treatment..

Kryukova A. V. (September 18, 2022): How many days before visiting the dentist should FSC be removed from use? If a long process of dental treatment and during this period do not use at all? How to find a way out if anesthesia doesn't work? It doesn't work because you use FSC! SV Koltsov: If it's on a person. If you took off all the FSC the day before, you will take it. Kryukova A. V.: No, cases are already appearing, apparently people are already more sensitive, that if, for example, they used anesthesia at least a day before going to the dentist, then anesthesia does not take - there have already been several cases They write to us. Koltsov S. V.: Well, I warned you. Kryukova A. V.: Therefore, it probably needs to be pushed back, right? May I recommend not using it for two or three days? Koltsov S. V.: But after visiting the dentist, you must definitely use it. Kryukova A. V.: Probably, if they go in a row and frequent visits, then probably somehow you need to minimize ...? I don’t know… Koltsov S. V.: It’s not every day anyway. Kryukova A. V.: Yes, you don’t go to the dentist every day.