Multiple sclerosis. Application of FSC Correctors of Koltsov's functional state in treatment..

Question: How to correctly formulate a problem for multiple sclerosis?
Zaporozhets MA: First: multiple sclerosis is a powerful energy-information impact that was once produced. That is, you must first cleanse yourself of all negative programs, imposed encodings, and even before birth - you can ask that. “Thank you for the cleansing before birth problems”, after birth, and those who are already alive. Let's say 10 - 15 sessions on this topic. And then the chakras, that is, the restoration of energy centers, the same, let's say 5 sessions. The disease is complex, you need to focus on each aspect longer. And then, for example, 30 sessions - work with the brain, with the functions of the brain, and set the program correctly. To study a little medicine, the anatomy of certain brain cells that are responsible for this issue..