Relative limitations for the use of CPS

The use of Functional State Correctors is completely safe, since the information recorded on them is not alien to the body.

There are no signs of addiction or dependence on FSC, the occurrence of the "withdrawal" syndrome, the "rebound" effect. However, there are some relative limitations to their use.

So, you should not carry FSC with you if you have:

  • an implanted pacemaker (pacemaker), but it is allowed to drink structured water with information from the FSC;
  • bleeding (because the rheological properties of blood improve from the use of FSC);
  • early childhood;
  • pregnancy;
  • acute surgical diseases requiring immediate surgical attention (do not delay hospitalization);
  • acute skin diseases requiring isolation and hospitalization of the patient (do not delay examination and hospitalization);
  • febrile infectious diseases requiring isolation and hospitalization of the patient (do not delay examination and hospitalization);
  • mental illness (epilepsy, schizophrenia, etc.);
  • the presence of stones in various internal organs of a person (liver, kidneys, glands, etc.).

However, in all these cases, it is possible and even necessary to drink water structured with FSC. Do not just carry the correctors themselves with you. During surgical operations with the use of anesthesia, try to exclude the presence of the FSC with the patient, as anesthesia in this case may not work!

When undergoing electrophysiological studies (ECG, EEG, etc.), it is advisable to remove the plates from yourself.

FSC should not be brought into the room where computed magnetic nuclear tomography of the body is performed (you can remagnetize the corrector).