Mayan cosmic energy channels. Application of FSC Correctors of Koltsov's functional state in treatment..

Sergey Valentinovich, and we still have many unregistered Mayan channels - a channel that crushes stones in the kidneys, in the gallbladder, turns them into sand, in my Tukku channel ... .. Koltsov SV: I have a hard copy. I just didn't reproduce it. Luzginova S.V.: Yes? Well, people are asking! A corrector would be very relevant. After all, many go under the knife with these stones, especially in the gallbladder of many Koltsov S.V.: It is more difficult in the gallbladder. In the gallbladder it is more difficult than in the kidneys. Luzginova S.V.: And even now, many people notice that some people just sort of go crazy. That is, problems with the head, problems with the psyche. And here is Boyu's channel - the healing of neuropsychiatric diseases, now it would be prescribed! There are two channels there. More on my Issan. This is just the removal of karmic programs. You can make a separate corrector directly. Koltsov S.V.: I can prescribe, no problem. Luzginova S. V .: For cleansing from negative karma in the maternal clan, in my opinion there is. And now I forgot what it is called, there is still the removal and purification of negative karma on the paternal side, there are two channels. Then, you know what else we don't have? In the Mayan channels there is a Kaniel channel - this is work with tendons and work with muscles. Because with age, many people develop such a disease as Dupuytren's contracture - this is a problem with the tendons, this is a problem with the liver. And just the Kaniel channel works with muscles and works with tendons, I would also like to see it .... Koltsov S.V.: And I added something to the Tenth corrector of their Mayan channels, specifically for working with the spine and tendons. I forgot what it's called... Luzginova S. V. (July 26, 2022): And yet, all the newfangled diseases, many people lose their hair, there is also the Soopka channel for hair loss, Mayansky. Not registered anywhere? Koltsov S. V .: I prescribed it, there is a hard copy, but I did not replicate it. Luzginova SV: Many people now suffer from hair loss. Koltsov S.V .: The most interesting thing is that my hair also fell out in the spring, somewhere in February-March. How hungry at the end of March, everything, hair like sticks, nothing falls out. Luzginova S.V.: Well, great, you see, the body has cleared itself. It is rather an external physiological slagging. Koltsov SV: Not necessarily. Because the reason is not clear. Very many. Everyone starts to mow at a fashionable disease, but I didn’t get sick. I didn't get vaccinated. Luzginova S. V..: Look, for a fashionable disease, there is a Chichetto channel, in my opinion, and some other, two channels too - this is the healing of infectious and viral diseases. Koltsov S. V.: I have a hard copy, but again I did not replicate it. Luzginova S.V.: Why are you sitting, not prescribing?! Sergei Valentinovich! And then they promise in the fall it’s not clear what kind .... Koltsov S. V.: We must look, because the portrait of this fashionable disease has not changed! As he closed the first, fourth and seventh chakras, so he closes. With all its modifications! Luzginova S. V.: You can work with the old methods…. Koltsov SV: The Gift of Fire works, no problem. Luzginova S. V.: Cosmoenergetics, I believe that many people are afraid of these channels, but in vain. Because…. Koltsov S.V.: Why be afraid of that?! Koltsov S.V. (May 28, 2021): A client would like an answer to a question about where the use of Maya channels comes from? To know at the astro-physical level what it corresponds to. I myself first started with the advanced cosmoenergetic Marina Zaporozhets to deal with classical cosmoenergy channels, when I learned how to work with them, I came across information on the Internet about the Mayan channels. Further, with further interest, I got a description of all these channels and tried it simply .... Radkova L. I.: …to tune in… Koltsov S.V.: Not only to tune in, to try to summon them myself, I succeeded. Therefore, I no longer began to turn further to some cosmoenergetics. I also learned how to redirect such a cosmic energy channel to a resonator. Therefore, “where did they come from” is a simple answer - from the Internet! Further everything is simple. What is the difference between Mayan channels and classical cosmic energy? First, they are more powerful, they are more concentrated, they are more physiological, they are more about the material sores of a person. Although there are also channels that are completely exotic, which I did not release anywhere. For example, there are channels that are designed to enter the astral. Or, for example, to work with information fields. But I do not consider it possible yet to release them into the world, although I have hard copies, I myself am not going to go into the astral alone, I know that this is not safe. Well, and so on. In general, the Mayan channels have shown their capacity in fact, what is one twenty worth! Koltsov S. V. (September 11, 2019): Why the Mayan Canals? Because the bulk of these channels are essentially therapeutic. They are not about emotions, something else. Specifically about fixing physiology..They are more understandable to people. Because when they talk about Indigo channels now, it's about something high. I think that not everyone is ready for them. Question: Could you tell us more about the Mayan cosmic Theurgy channels, where to find information or read, and where did you get them from? And where did you get the information about these proofreaders? Koltsov S. V. (September 11, 2019): Well, firstly, from the Internet, after I got into the topic of classical cosmoenergy, I worked there in tandem with cosmoenergetics, I got fed up with it and I decided to check it just from the descriptions and from the Internet, But will I be able to launch on my own the channels of the so-called Mayan Theurgy? It turned out I can. I don't know if everyone can or not, but I was admitted. After that, there were people who sent a full description of these channels, that is, I have both hard copies and passwords how to access the channels, everything is there. But I actually launched them without any passwords - the same thing works. So I already... You see, here it is necessary to overcome the inertia of thinking “and this cannot be because it can never be”, but it is, you just need to learn how to access these channels. Here the functions of consciousness become primary. Question: If the user's hair lies on the golden seri FSC, then the Mayan channel remains open all this time and works for the user? Koltsov S.V.: Yes! Kryukova A.V.: That is, if the hair is lying down, it works all the time?! Koltsov S.V.: Yes, when necessary! The most interesting thing is that all FSC ki are switched on only at dynamic mismatches. FSC agreed on some process…. You see, here is the fundamental difference between the FSC and any physiotherapy device. There, when the device is connected to a power source, to electricity, it loads and loads! And there really arises the question of what can be overloaded by exposure. Here, all the work goes on resonances, and as soon as the rhythms are coordinated, the FSCs turn off by themselves, they do nothing. It just becomes a piece of plastic. But as soon as a mismatch arises in the environment of this field structure, they themselves begin to unwind. They do not take energy from within, from the environment. Question: If you wear golden FSCs without opening channels on purpose, will the channels still open? Koltsov S.V.: All the Mayan canals - no need to open anything. Kryukova A.V..: We have Mayan channels written in mass on the golden series, just if you read the instructions for use, it specifically says "does not require additional opening." Koltsov S.V.: Nothing is needed Kryukova A.V.: These are only the cosmic energy channels that we have prescribed for the lilac series, here is a special technique with those. Koltsov S.V .: I don’t see the point of carrying it on myself, it’s easier to pump a couple of times a day for 5 minutes. Koltsov S.V .: Well, they are already addressed there and they are called - what which channel does, so that you no longer have to climb anywhere, learn how to launch them and do something with them. Formally, there are only about eighty Mayan channels. In many, here in each of the individual channels there can be 10-12 branches. Imagine, these are not 80, but up to 800 separate directions. Gusarova T.A.: Also, Sergey Valentinovich, please explain that there is no need to launch the gold series in the active mode. Koltsov S.V.: Yes, gold. Here the Mayan channels do not need to be launched. Everything has already been done there, that they turn on automatically. This is the only time when they practiced with cosmic energy from the classical one, yes, there you can control these channels, but time has shown that they are more spread out, not concentrated. Well, they work great too. Take at least the "Golden Pyramid" or "Clear Space". They work great! Yes, fifteen. Well, in general, they all work great. What does "Registered channel" mean? after all, the cosmic energy channel itself is a virtual phenomenon, you cannot feel it with your hands. But it turns out that with the help of the influence of human consciousness, it can be redirected to the right place. So I learned how to redirect these channels directly to the resonator. Here it is written from virtual media directly to magnetic media, then you can replicate. By the way, today they sent me a philosophical article on the relationship between the action of consciousness and materialism, where they argue that the Soviet Union collapsed due to the fact that it brought the materialistic attitude to life to the point of absurdity. Well, it seems to be true. Question: How long does it take to work with the Mayan Canal at a time. Koltsov S.V.: It will close itself when it has nothing to do. They are also very delicate, all these channels. Question: How many cosmic channels of Mayan theurgy can be opened per day at once? Koltsov S. V. (09/13/2017): What do you mean? Because, for example, I took, stuffed the entire set of gold correctors into the ring, so .....Although there is the same Ivan Ivanovich Worms, he prefers separately, says: "I like it better when the channels are separate." But you understand how much free time you need to have in order to do all this consistently. I use it utilitarianly - that is, I sat down and it was clear that some blocks appeared, quickly copied, and went to do business. It depends on who is pursuing what. Question: How many Mayan channels can be open at the same time? Can they be connected? Asks the man who has learned to open them. Koltsov S.V.: Thematic - I have been doing this for a long time, I combine them. Those who have learned to open them will not be able to open much, it takes time to open each channel. Therefore, I opened them separately in the same way, made hard copies, and only then connected them. Here, a person who has learned to open channels, he cannot do what FSCs do. He will have to sequentially open different channels. And so I am from laziness, laziness is the engine of progress, why does a person do optimization? From laziness! I took the whole set of gold and stuffed it into a ring so as not to bother who overcomes there. Question: How to start a channel in the solar plexus area? Koltsov S.V.: Yes, put the corrector on the area of ​​the solar plexus, it will work exactly there. Question: Mayan channels, how to explain them in a folk way? Koltsov S. V.: And these are some of those cosmic streams that have been pouring onto the Earth for a long time, and people eventually learn to control them. Question: It's annoying that the Mayans themselves were not very kind. Koltsov S.V.: Well, unfortunately, they lived in the dark time. Yes, yes, yes, and it’s not at all clear where they have gone. Have you gone to a parallel world? You see, this is all a convention - whose channels, and so on. What bothered me much more was that there was a fundamental transition of the pacemaker in 2007, and logically this should have been accompanied by something. But it manifested itself 5-6 years later. That is, it's not straight forward. There is no need to be under illusions, in our country the number of people who are called channeling, that is, they learn to read information from the external field, is constantly growing. Therefore, whoever is lucky enough to grab another set there, well, it doesn’t even matter, it’s important that this is an objective reality, and then it doesn’t disappear anywhere. Question: If on FSC and Mayan and cosmoenergy? Koltsov S. V. October 13, 2015.: Work as with the cosmic-energetic, I say again: if you launch the thanksgiving energy, you are setting yourself up, not only the FSC. Question: Cosmoenergetics of the Mayan channels launch channels without a password, is a mental image obligatory? Koltsov S.V.: Not at all necessary, I checked it. And I checked in the same way - it starts with or without a password, it starts without a password for me. I gave the text of the channel directly into the hands of another person, the password with all the cases, but the other one does not start. I don't know what it is, but... Question: The article about Buck's channel directly says: "I open the channel of Buck's cosmic theurgy for the treatment of this and that, the fifth or tenth ...." Koltsov S. V. (October 26, 2017): No, it is not necessary to say this when working with this FSC. That's when I prescribe, I pronounce it all here. In CFS, this works automatically. Question: It will be painful after FSC with Yaklel. How to reduce pain? Koltsov S. V. (February 27, 2014, Internet conference): This is a channel that gets into the problems of the subconscious, into those problems that a person may not even be aware of. This does not mean that they are not there. Yes, they checked when there was an event in the hall of the Academy of Sciences, yes, many people began to squirm from this channel, there is a very serious purge going on. Question: Who charged the Mayan channels? Koltsov S.V .: Yes, they do not need to be “charged”, they are simply given by God. That is, they exist on their own, you just had to verbally address them correctly, they turn on, I just know a lot of people who launch them without any initiation. Question: How did you get initiation into the channels? Koltsov S.V.: Yes, I just took it and tried it: can I launch it? It turned out that I could. Question: I am asked a question: have I been initiated into the Mayan channels? Koltsov S. V.: Never and no one. I just checked a simple thing: Am I eligible? can i run them myself? It turned out that I can. And then different seers say to me, “and you were initiated there in absentia.” Who - I do not know! I don't know anything about it. Moreover, I perfectly understand that if you correctly formulate a request to the outside world, then channels open, well, you can call them whatever you like - Mayan, cosmic energy, the whole question is how to ask. After all, I was often engaged in creativity here, because I added some settings of my own, and not those that are written in the description. Question: Where do the Mayan channels originate and who works with them? Koltsov S.V.: This is for the cosmoenergetics, it is they who tell all these tales there. I just checked "can I run them", it turned out that I can..Question: They ask standard questions - when problems begin in relationships within the family. Daughter - mother, father - son, and so on ... Koltsov S. V. (February 27, 2014, Internet conference): Yes, there are options when these unnecessary entities are sucked into someone. That's it in order to get rid of it just these 6 channels will be made now. They are all diverse - someone works with subtle entities, or rather, not material ones, someone tears off suction cups that could ..., including karmic ones, about which a person may not even be aware, from some grandparents hello came. Koltsov S. V.: I didn’t write about Skhopl, because there is a similar topic on the 11th. Shople is just a channel designed to destroy zombies, coding for a love spell, from alcohol, to leave the family, and so on. I can prescribe, I do not mind. Well, maybe I’ll write it down, then there will be not six, but seven topics that will be cleaned, the eighth will be “watering”. Question: How to work with the new Maya channels? Koltsov S. V.: I thought for you, so they will automatically adapt to a specific person. You don’t even need to talk to them like you would with ordinary plant FSCs. Question: How many new FSCs will there be? Koltsov S. V.: The standard series is eight so far. If you need more - you can still the same amount. As I said, there are about two hundred different topics. Question: Tell us in detail about the new FSCs Koltsov S.V.: Well, I can slowly list the names of these channels. I said about Chalan - this is the destruction of all sorts of astral entities, spiders, cockroaches of all sorts. The Chaal Tsik channel is after pumping up the aura with the previous channels, this channel closes the aura and works as a watchman so that the protection is not broken. The Buurmok channel is for the destruction of all suckers, attachments up to the subconscious, such things that a person may not even be aware of. Schopple - I have already said - is a channel that from zombies, to recover from all sorts of love spells, lapels, decoupling from alcohol, leaving the family - regulates such problems. The Yaklel channel is for the destruction of negative energy bindings. These are those who are engaged in black magic, they usually tie a person to themselves, and then slowly suck, this channel is tearing the whole thing off. Channel Kuvva - designed to cleanse the chakras and meridians, subtle bodies from negativity, magic, sorcery - just this kind..Chaal Tsik - I said - is a fireball of high vibration for protection from any dark forces. That's the channel I forgot, this is the Tang channel - just pumping, nourishing the human aura. It is specifically designed for this. Tan is the penultimate one, and then protection is put up. It seems that everything, now Tan fell out of sight, now he has returned. Question: Can different people use the same golden FSCs during the day? Koltsov S.V.: Yes, you can, because there is a function of adaptation to a particular person. Therefore, one and the same FSC-ka, it would seem, will launch the same channels, but they will adapt to different people in completely different ways. Question: It was determined on someone's aura that there were some kind of suction cups. Koltsov S.V.: Just these 6-7 topics are intended to sweep away all evil spirits. Question: Is one new series of FSCs not enough to clear the problems of the aura? Answer: Not enough, they are completely different. There, one FSC synchronizes the rotation of the chakras, the other tears off suction cups, the third one tears off suction cups at the subconscious level – some are far away, the fourth relieves zombies, the fifth pumps up, the sixth protects. How to combine them - I do not know. Question: Why is it difficult to do business now? Koltsov S.V.: Well, a serious question. In fact, I have a dilemma - there are channels that are designed to improve business. Here is the eighth topic which to write. Question: The power of new FSCs is stronger than …. ? Koltsov S. V.: The question is not correct, the fact is that the Mayan channels themselves, they are almost an order of magnitude stronger than the previous cosmic energy. New FSCs can be combined with anything. Question: Is it possible to enhance the action of new FSCs by talking to them? Koltsov SV: You know, I don't know. That is, in any case, if you connect your mental sphere, it’s good, how these will respond - I just didn’t look. By the way, it will be as easy to work with the new FSCs as with the blue ones. Question: Will the new FSCs replace the lilac series? Koltsov S.V.: No, they are completely different. Question: Will it be possible to upgrade with new FSCs? Koltsov SV: You know, they work extremely interestingly. Regarding the operation of the new FSCs: depending on the purpose, the channel itself starts automatically, well, maximum, in 5 minutes, then the FSC on the body is not needed. Because when the channel is already running, it will work itself. I saw completely different situations: he can work for a minute, and on some he worked for several hours..Moreover, only one problem is solved in one go, that is, I deliberately limited the dosage so as not to overload. Question: And if any person can open the channels, is it not dangerous for the humanity of the Earth? Koltsov S.V.: Firstly, if a person has back thoughts, you will never open a single channel. Checked. Here you give a text - instructions on how to open, what to say and what to do - it does not open even crack ...