Health Key. Application of FSC Correctors of Koltsov's functional state in treatment..

Koltsov S. V. (09/13/2017): More about the "Key of Health"? Well, it really turned out to be a very interesting spring, it is sulfur-hydrogen. It is located near the village of Pushchino in Kamchatka, but in the wilderness. Therefore, when I rushed along the path to the forest, the locals stopped me, they said: “You don’t have any means of protection against bears.” There, either they go with whistles, or with a sprinkler, about which they say “it’s better that it doesn’t fall on a person,” bears shy away from it. They say that even bears visit this hydrogen sulfide spring. What they unequivocally said, which is documented, is that people had scarring of open stomach ulcers. I immediately had the opportunity to take a closer look, it turned out that he works more on the left side of the body. We have very few correctors that specifically work with the pancreas. Here is one of those that work with the pancreas. Because one of my relatives suddenly had such a misfortune - an acute attack of pancreatitis, he was quickly taken to the hospital in an ambulance, well, he began to come to his senses a little, and it came to the point of putting him on the operating table. And the pancreas is better not to touch. With the help of this corrector, he returned to normal in a week. This is fast enough, because the pancreas is an unpaired organ, and it must be somehow carefully handled. Well, respectively, the gastrointestinal tract. This corrector apparently works less with the liver, with the bile, well, God bless him, we have a lot of others on this topic. Koltsov S.V. .: In pumping together with a deuce. Koltsov SV: And who said that the “Health Key” will really help this? It could be a kidney problem - whatever it is. Luzginova S. V.: It’s good to work with a deuce. Here is a question of misunderstanding: If there is information about hydrogen sulfide on the FSC “Health Key”, then it should work on the skeletal system. Koltsov S. V.: You see, this is information, there will no longer be hydrogen sulfide in the water that you will charge. Therefore, the question here is whether it will work on the skeletal system or not. Koltsov S. V.: FSC "Health Key" specifically for what is better? For disorders of the stomach, up to ulcers. Radkova L. I.: The pancreas is good. Koltsov S. V.: Pancreas, yes. Koltsov S. V.: Anya Kaplina is writing a review, she recently visited Germany, the woman has a bunch of diseases plus type 2 diabetes, FSC "Balance" did not help..That's when I received the FSC "Key of Health", sugar decreased by half, became 6.4, and was twice as high. But through exacerbation. Radkova L.I.: This is very correct, because when she connected the “Health Key”, problems related to the biliary system, liver and pancreas began to be solved. This once again confirms to us that FSCs need to be combined. Very good result...