Proofreader Koltsov "The Sacred Cave". Exclusive Series
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FSC "Sacred Cave" helps to gain complete energy grounding of the biofield, which ensures the harmonization of vertical bioenergy flows, opens conscious access to the Cosmos (Soul) chakra. It is recommended to drink from 100 ml with FSC "Sacred Cave"
Producer: LLC "Planet of Regions". "Exclusive" Series
FSC "Sacred Cave" was released in August 2016 for the eighth anniversary of the Planet of Regions.
FSC "The Sacred Cave" helps to gain complete energy grounding of the biofield, which ensures the harmonization of vertical bioenergy flows, opens conscious access to the Cosmos (Soul) chakra.
Polarization from the "place of power" Sacred Cave (Mongolia) is registered on the FSC. There is an amazing “place of power” in Mongolia - it combines 4 caves. One of the caves is called Sacred. The Sacred Cave is a large energy center not just of Mongolia, but of the whole Earth. In this cave, the sacred lama lived for 108 days only on the water, being in constant prayer. Here the attitude changes, the soul is cleansed. Pilgrims come here to pray and receive the energy of the universe.
FSC Koltsov's plate "Sacred Cave":
- Fills with powerful energy in a short period of time;
- Promotes the purification and enlightenment of the soul;
- Promotes deep personality transformation;
- Connects with the Higher powers;
- Reveals and initiates creativity;
- Helps to tune in to good luck in business;
- Promotes general healing and rejuvenation of the body;
- Harmonizes, cleans and protects the space.
For the effective application of Koltsov's FSC "Sacred Cave" it is recommended: self-determination - a preliminary attitude to awareness of thoughts and actions, spiritual and intellectual choice - unconditional love, concretization of life tasks, drinking structured water at least 2.5 liters per day, including including from 100 ml with FSC "Sacred Cave", the practical embodiment (manifestation) of conscious mental achievements.
The methodology for using Koltsov's FSC "Sacred Cave" is the same as for other FSCs with polarization of places of power: drinking structured water, any water procedures, harmonization of space, use in meditations, use in healing practices, use in pumping, wearing on yourself, coordination with other FSC Koltsov.
- The main purpose of FSC is to change the structure of aqueous solutions. It is recommended to drink several glasses of water structured on any FSC, bringing its total volume, excluding other drinks, to 30 ml per 1 kg of body weight per day.
- To increase efficiency, it is recommended to periodically perform various pumping through the energy centers, you can find more details about the techniques in the brochure "Methods of using FSC". Below is a simple technique using 2 FSCs to pump the skeletal system: put one of them under the left leg, take the second in the right hand for 3-5 minutes.
- Change the position of the FSC, i.e. shift the first FSC under the right leg, and take the second one in the left hand. Duration - similar to paragraph 1 (3-5 minutes). You can start with the right leg and left hand (p. 1) with the transition to the left leg and right hand (p. 2).
- Place one FSC under the coccyx, hold the other one on the cervical region for 3-5 minutes. It is advisable to repeat this procedure in the morning and evening. Additionally, paragraph 3 can be repeated throughout the day.
- For skin lesions, it is recommended to structure solutions, creams and gels once for external lubrication of the lesions.
- When applying FSC, the water in the stream is structured instantly. Therefore, the FSC can be attached to the faucet/shower head by wrapping it in a plastic bag.
- It is necessary to structure water with FSC AFTER boiling and/or heating.
- In order to increase the life of the device, a sharp change in temperature exposure is not recommended..
- If a FSC has a special structuring time, then it is indicated in the description of a specific FSC. We would like to note that this structurization time is indicated for water previously poured into the container. If you want to speed up this process, then use the FSC as a stand under the container where you pour water, and then create the so-called "vortex flow" with a spoon. Then the structuring of water will take only 1-3 minutes.