Wen, lipomas. Application of FSC Correctors of Koltsov's functional state in treatment..

Question: Can we remove wen with the help of FSC? or you need to cut it out. Koltsov S. V. (June 5, 2018): Firstly, the origin of wen - still medicine does not know where. For 10 years, there have been a lot of precedents when the wen disappeared. But there are plenty of precedents when nothing happened to them. Apparently they are of different nature. For some, I know the situation - they cut it out once, they don’t grow anymore. And some are cut out, it continues to grow again. Therefore, this is a purely individual question and, apparently, no one knows the answer to this. Well, Alexander Efimovich here claims that if you wave FSC No. 15 with a house over a wen, the fat begins to soften and decrease. This happened to everyone who over the past 8 years went on stage to see the effects of FSC on themselves. formations of a wen wore FSC No. 20 and the wen left. Well lucky..