Changes in space, on Earth, in space - the impact on people. Application of FSC Correctors of Koltsov's functional state in treatment..

Kryukova A. V. (January 19, 2022): Due to a sharp change in the earth's magnetic field, there is a scientific justification that the Fibonacci series has ceased to be harmonious, and requires a correction factor of 0.815, which changes it in a certain way, turning it into a harmonious one. Also, knowing that our living water could become completely non-living, this suggests the need for a very clear check of the “Rejuvenating Apple”, ask Sergey Valentinovich about it. Koltsov S.V.: Firstly, there are a lot of mistakes in one question. The Fibonacci number series is a discrete implementation of the golden ratio. The golden ratio has not disappeared from our bodies. There is no escape from nature! This is the fundamental principle of the organization of all living nature in general. Therefore, all these fabrications with a coefficient of 0.815 are not clear to me, to put it mildly. Because if we express in numbers the golden ratio itself, either 1.618 or 0.618. Therefore, do not touch the golden ratio, it was and will be. Due to the fact that in a past life I worked on complex dynamic systems on rockets, I understand this problem very well. And how ingeniously it was solved in nature! They took and divided all frequencies, introduced an irrational principle - the golden ratio, everything fell into place, no one resonates with anyone. Therefore, here everything is just harmonious, and no coefficients need to be introduced. Luzginova S. V. (July 26, 2022): Now many people do not understand what is happening to them, someone has suicidal desires, someone's mood deteriorates for no reason. In fact, global transformational processes are taking place in space now, and in particular over time, everyone noticed that time passes very quickly, and in this regard, people began to notice that they are aging faster than before. And now the hierarchy of the higher forces of light, imperceptibly for each person, creates such situations when low-frequency people, as if inside themselves, hear a call to awaken the soul, but at the same time, their consciousness, due to the fact that they are on low-frequency vibrations, their consciousness is like would freeze up and they don't have the energy to wake up. They lack this positive psychic energy for actions that lead to spiritual growth, to spiritual awakening and to the source itself. And now the Universe needs a new world. The universe does not need this world, which is built on Earth and is so self-destructive and hostile. And she gets him out of her way. And now there is even such an expression "The immune system of the new world.".By the way, it is built at a higher level, at the spatial level. This means that people who do not have sufficient potential for positive psychic energy and high vibrations simply do not understand the phenomena that are happening to them. And the question is: what correctors can help a person regain the desire to live? Koltsov S.V.: Well, I already talked about them today, let's say the Gift of Heaven - it closes for one type of people, but for the second - it's Twenty and the Source of the Great Mountain or the Wheel of Destiny. What is really going on? I have already spoken about this several times: since December 22, 2020, we have been living in a completely different space. To which we are not accustomed, to which we are not adapted, and every person, young and old, will undergo this adaptation for several years. Someone can, someone can not, the proofreader here is just to help. Because when a person begins to close on a subtle plane, it is urgently necessary to open. Urgently! It cannot be tightened. Moreover, it is clear that the dark ones are being squeezed out of the Earth. For the last month and a half, in addition to discovering a person, it is necessary to check the 23rd FSC - to tear off energy bindings. Over the past two weeks, I have 80 percent of everything with suckers. And it’s not clear where they came from, and you don’t even have to look for which of these guys did something wrong, the answer will fly instantly. Checked. Let them suffer on their own. That is, the negative now cannot be broadcast into the surrounding space. It is better to stop the thought, calm down, then continue to act. Luzginova S. V.: Yes, in parallel with the correctors that you have mentioned, I think that it is very important to develop - for each of us, especially for those people who have such moments as unwillingness to live, it is very important to urgently develop the potential of positive mental energy. This can be done in such the simplest “childish” ways - this is to find as many joyful phenomena around you in life as possible. That is, we went to the same playground, admired how the children play, the mood immediately rises there. Then, what else increases the potential of positive psychic energy? This is a surprise. Children, they are surprised by everything. And delight! They saw something like that ... yes, you saw this same flower or this same tree a hundred times, but you wake up every morning, and you must be surprised at this world! Marvel at its beauty! To be surprised at this Divine process that takes place in the World. One woman says to me: “Why be surprised .....? Why rejoice? I have no money, my husband is an alcoholic, and so on ... "I say:" Rejoice in the Sun! Rejoice in blue skies! Without this positive psychic energy, it is simply not possible to enter new energies. Koltsov S.V.: Well, apparently, yes. That is, we must learn to live with a smile. Luzginova S.V.: That's for sure! Well, now they talk a lot, and the Internet is full of information about the energies of the new time. No matter what they write, no matter what they say! And since June 2013, under the leadership of, let's say, the Prime Creator or the Almighty, the construction of a new world began. This world, in which we live, is not divine. And so it is destroyed by the Almighty. It is not life itself on Earth that is being destroyed, but this parasitic, consumerist and bloodthirsty society, and its construction. And those people who will not be able to part with over-consumerism, I am not saying that there should be no consumerism, there should be, but in moderation. Then it is necessary to part with violence, with enmity, with struggle. For some, the fight against evil is like a principle of life - this is also a trick for those most honest and righteous. And the new world is created on the scale of the entire Universe, first not on the physical level, but first it is created on the mental level, then on the astral level, and only then the construction of the new world will take place on the physical plane. And the first thing that is required from a person in new energies is the ability to love, and to show this love through actions, through service, through service to each other, through love shown to people. And there is also the need for responsibility. Each of us needs to learn to take responsibility for ourselves, for our lives, for our actions, for our actions, that is, to become an independent person. And wisdom, diligence, self-affirmation are the basic qualities of our soul, which it must develop here during life on earth, each of us needs to develop now. Because, I believe, a wise person simply cannot be immoral. And the amount of love in such a person always corresponds to a certain level of morality. And in the new world, each of us will learn the magic that we all read about in fairy tales. That is, everything that is written in fairy tales is all true. But how to get into this new world? By the way, with low morality, it will simply be impossible to get into these new energies and withstand the flows of new energies..This is so because the immune system of the new world, or as they say now, the security system, is built on a completely different principle than it is now in these old energies. The very environment, the very space of the new world contains energies that are acceptable for people with high vibrations only, and not acceptable for people with a parasitic consciousness. Unfortunately, the truth of life is hidden from humanity, even now they are hiding it, although many have already awakened, they understand what is happening in this world. And they hide the fact that our own consciousness controls our life. And really, what is consciousness? Consciousness is primarily will, reason and feelings - three components determine our consciousness. And ignorance in the sphere of feelings is just immorality. And this parasitic society, the old society that lived on Earth, was built on immorality. On the subtle plane, there is even such a hierarchy, a subdivision of the levels of harmony. We used to say that there is a heaven and there is a hell - figuratively - where people feel good and where people feel bad. Heaven and hell begin here on Earth. And these categories of subdivision of the levels of harmony, there are a lot of them, and here heaven is located from the 10th level of harmony and above, and hell covers from zero to the ninth inclusive. We are on the sixth level of harmony. On average, Russia at least. Ukraine is on the 4th, China is on the second level of harmony, and so on. Our task is to increase our level of harmony through the production of positive energies, which are simply necessary in new energies. So, the question is, Sergey Valentinovich, how do the CPS agree with the energies of the new time? Koltsov S.V.: Great! They actually help to fit into this new space and these new energies. Especially the latest FSC, which are the last two years. After all, if you look at what they have done - well, in general, I personally take aback, because the rate of change in flows from space has increased by orders of magnitude. This was not the case before. FSC just help to rebuild consciousness and physics. So many people ask questions: “I can support physics, but there are some problems with my soul.” Luzginova S.V.: Yes, many people are simply afraid of everything that is happening in the world now, but in fact, the Almighty or the Creator is now withdrawing this energy in the form of time. Why is time accelerating? The energy of time, which was used in the old world against Divine laws, is being withdrawn! Why the old world begins to crumble and crumble. On a subtle level, it seems to be no more..People who live according to Divine laws, right now, on the contrary, they feel a surge of strength, energy, especially people who work with correctors. This conscious life in the world of love. First you need to build a new world inside yourself - as if inside your consciousness, and correctors are very good at helping you with this. Literally last week I met with one person, a newcomer - he just bought himself three proofreaders, he lives in Pereslavl, I met him in a store, I look - there are no signs, not a single proofreader .... Usually he wore something on his arm, and hung around his neck, a man of such a respected age. I say: “Where are your proofreaders?” He says: “Oh, abandoned ....! Yes, I don’t want to live again and I’m not in the mood ... ”I say:“ Urgently start with the Twentieth Corrector! Then I call him in the evening, I think I’ll check it now: “Did you hang up the Twentieth corrector?” "Yes! Something somehow immediately lifted the mood!” Koltsov S.V.: This is just a consequence of the fact that a person was closed. The first symptomatology is that a person begins to be strongly driven into depression. For any reason. Luzginova S.V.: Yes, people do not want to do anything at all. I can't imagine how they manage without FSC-ok! Koltsov S.V.: Yes, the coach called me the day before yesterday, her granddaughter flew into the hospital. From three o'clock in the morning she began to vomit continuously. She was quickly packed there and put on droppers, dehydration begins, saline began to be instilled. Well, I looked, I have hairs, that is - closed and two suction cups - on the throat and precisely on the third chakra. Luzginova SV: Yes, emotional center. Koltsov S.V .: Of course, she will vomit and everything in the world. Luzginova S. V.: In physics, the entire gastrointestinal tract is supervised by the third chakra. Koltsov S.V.: Yes. Luzginova S.V.: Yes, we are going through an interesting time and our place in the emerging new world is determined by what each of us represents. That is, it is necessary to ask the question - who am I anyway ?! Why did I even come into this world? Why did my soul come here? It is easy to find out if you combine everything that we love, everything that we know how and everything that we desire, that we want into a single whole. Then we can answer this question for ourselves. Kryukova A. V. (September 18, 2022): Is it possible to weaken or calm obsessive thoughts with the help of FSC? If yes, how and what? Koltsov S.V..: Now this is generally a common topic, because the last two, or maybe three years, due to the change in the rhythms of the external field, it is very difficult for people to adapt, so now it is the topics that help a person to survive this transformation that are working effectively. This is the Transformation itself - December 21, 21, This is the Solar, this is the Wheel of Fate and the equinox 21.06, I don’t remember what it was called .... not called yet... (smile of the sun) Kryukova A.V.: This is a surprise! Koltsov SV: In four days I have to select the next topic that will help in this transformation. Autumn Equinox (New Star). Here again you have to select very carefully - I will prescribe. In addition, I wrote the theme for September 1st. It was a discovery, as the esotericists said, ten days…. Kryukova A. V. (October 30, 2022): Why does wearing a Fitness bracelet cause weakness and drowsiness instead of a surge of energy? Koltsov S.V.: And this is 100% of people closed. It starts as a storm in a teacup. Somewhere the top bottom is closed, we are trying to disperse in the middle, but we are not given. The response is understandable - there will indeed be weakness. Axelrod A.E .: So it is necessary to remove the impact. Kaplina A.V.: Or open the chakras. Koltsov S.V.: Yes, you need to open it first! Radkova L. I.: Start with pumping, namely with the latest correctors, and only then connect everything else. Because it is best to remove the infernal at the beginning, and only then open your information centers and protect the fields. It is very important. you have to understand that we all, we absolutely all have an infernal - someone has twenty, someone has one. We must start with this, and Sergey Valentinovich constantly talks about this, we talk about it in all lectures. This is the most important thing for today, my friends. You must remove the infernal, and then work with your field and with your physics. Protect. So that you have a dense field. The denser the field, the less infernal you will have. Koltsov S. V.: You see, the situation of which people are more affected is not related to the degree of fitness of a person, namely physical. We have now seen figure skaters for two weeks in a row - at one gathering, some competed. another week later. And they noticed that Kamilla Valieva fell in the free program. This is a person who, when she is in shape, well, just rides perfectly. I immediately became interested - and in what condition, I just opened the tablet and looked at her photo, yes, it was closed. Kaplina A.V..: They opened it, it probably became good. Koltsov S.V.: Well, no, if I had opened it before the competition, I would not have fallen. This instantly manifests itself on complex elements, when they start jumping quads, so if a person is closed, this is an 80% chance that he will fall. Kaplina A.V .: Athletes, get correctors, the conclusion is this. Koltsov S.V.: But they don't know anything about it. Sergey Valentinovich, you said that on December 22 last year the Earth's field changed. Could it affect the mental state of people? After all, what people say and do today is called "incomprehensible to the mind." Can you improve the situation by putting FSC, for example, on a map of the Earth or a country? Koltsov S.V. (October 26, 2021): But the impact on the territory has also changed. If in previous years we could influence the entire ball, when we put not a map of the area, but put the illuminated side of the moon. It turned out that we could change the polarization of water sources all over the Earth! But since December 22, it has all disappeared. And you have to put the map again, and there it is precisely the curvature of the Earth that interferes, and you cannot put it on the entire territory. Kryukova A.V.: Only relatively small spaces. Koltsov S.V.: That's why I say that only half of Russia can be covered by the size of the map. We need another resonator. Kryukova A.V.: Yes. And, by the way, once they sent me a question - if the European part of Russia is covered, does this affect Belarus? Koltsov S.V.: Of course! Kryukova A.V.: Belarusians, we are with you! Koltsov S.V.: Because we have the edge of Russia, this is the Kaliningrad region! Kryukova A.V.: It turns out that Belarus also falls into the CFS protection zone. Probably more than a million FSCs have already been produced, which are distributed all over the world. This is a whole army of light. Do they influence the harmonization of the space of the entire planet? If yes, how? If not, then how can we make sure that those people who have FSC somehow jointly influence the cleansing and harmonization of space? Koltsov S. V. (October 26, 2021): Well, of course they influence, and it is through the people who use it that the chain reaction starts there. Because already... I call it word of mouth. Kryukova A.V.: That is, if a person even lives in some other country, and if he actively uses proofreaders in his environment, then in any case the information component changes, right?! At least in a small part. And it extends to the big one. Koltsov S. V.: Germany was a difficult country for the introduction of CFS, the native Germans were there for a very long time…. Kryukova A.V..: Well they are pragmatists and practitioners Koltsov S. V.: .... looked from the side. And now they have already organized closed communities, closed chats, clubs, you can’t drag them by the ears. Kryukova A.V.: And here, the person who asked the question made the following suggestion: Maybe the Company on its Internet resources should contact all users so that, for example, they collect pyramids from FSC at a certain time with the thought of protecting the Earth and People or put them in a certain place in the house. After all, the power of the FSC, united with the energy of people in a single mental image, should increase many times over. Thank you for everything you do. Apparently, you mean the creation of a certain egregore in a certain period of time ... Is this really real ?! Koltsov S.V.: You are right, yes. It's real. Kryukova A.V.: Thank you for the idea, we will come up with something on this topic. Kryukova A.V.: If not only the G20, but also the “Source of the Great Mountain” and the “Gift of Fire” are placed on the European part of Russia or on the entire territory? according to your scheme, will it strengthen the action for our country? Koltsov S.V. (October 26, 2021): I just answered - they are of different tempos! Therefore, at the same time put them - the fastest will work, but they will be muffled. Kryukova A.V.: That is, only one plate makes sense! Koltsov SV: Well, maybe not just one, but they must be dynamically identical. Kryukova A.V.: And, that is, you can have some two, but select dynamically identical ones? Pendulum? Koltsov S.V.: Yes, you really need to check it, and in general, I just realized it recently, and here a lot of FSCs that are made of multi-element ones also need to be checked. Kryukova A.V.: At the same time I pour the same water into four different FSCs. After some time, in one jar there are many small bubbles at the bottom, in the second the walls are strewn with large bubbles, in the third there are no bubbles at all, in the fourth there are single ones. How to understand this physics? The next day may be different on the same FSC. Koltsov S.V. (April 1, 2021): If the next day everything is different, this means the external field has changed. Either the Earth's magnetic field, or external. Question: Many believe that there is an apparatus on the Moon - an antenna that blocks the real spiritual development of the people of the Earth, and only after rising into space do people awaken the possibilities of clairvoyance, telepathy, and so on. Wearing FSC protects against the effects of this device or not? Koltsov S.V..(May 28, 2021): Generally speaking, until recently, we ourselves noted the influence of the Moon, because in order to change the polarization of water on Earth, we experimentally established that it is necessary to put not an aerial photograph of the Earth, but we took and put the illuminated side The moons were printed out directly from the Internet, and what was our surprise when the structure of water began to change all over the Earth. This really meant that some kind of reflected signal was coming from the Moon, and not always a very good one. More precisely, not always very good. However, the transition from December 21 to December 22, 2021 buried all this dependence on the Moon. And starting from December 22, all these changes associated with the Moon, we feel only on the new moon and full moon, never again. That is, we now live in a completely different space, and what you say there is blocking spiritual development, yes, it may have been blocked. Now nothing is blocked. We are now learning to live in a new way. And FSCs in any case….. The first question that arose – do FSCs work after this change? Thank God they are working. Therefore, with the help of FSC, you can build your relationship with the environment. Then I showed you how to select the FSC, the next is a technical question. Kryukova A.V.: By the way, the question is, what is happening with the external field of the Earth now? Are you making observations? Koltsov S.V. (April 1, 2021): Yes, as it is “closed” by twenty, so water charged with twenty flows from the tap. Now you can not put anything on the shower at all. If you take a shower, you will definitely erase all entities. Kryukova A.V.: But again, only the European part? Koltsov SV: Only the European part. More curvature of the Earth does not allow. Kryukova A.V.: We have the geography of CFS all over the world! Koltsov SV: I understand. Yesterday we talked with the Poles on Skype, I see that a person simply does not see, does not hear. Yes, closed. Europe is now all closed, which is why there is now such inadequate behavior - all sorts of fears, oohs, oohs .... Kryukova A.V.: Questions about all sorts of lockdowns and pandemics, what absolutely terrible things are happening there! We live in chocolate. Koltsov S.V.: Well, yes, if this program were to be removed… Therefore, in the near future I really want to put it on and watch it. Kryukova A.V..: The next question is interesting: If we are now in a different space, does this mean that we were driven into a special camp? So many of the richest people on Earth suddenly died in middle age, which, in principle, is not like them. How would you comment on this? Maybe they have an "alternate airfield" and they safely retired there. Did we find ourselves in strange conditions? Koltsov S.V.: No. I just took it for the sake of sporting interest and analyzed it - but will anyone “fly off”? Do these entities cover those in power? Everyone covered! Absolutely everyone! Therefore, now it is necessary to behave very carefully on the road and in general in society, because 99% of people are not adequate. You see. What does "covered" mean? It is guaranteed to cover the seventh and first chakras, and now it turns out that it covers all the others, and in the transverse direction. Therefore, if earlier there was enough - I took 20-ku on the heads and put it there - that's enough. Now this is not enough! Now you need to pump along the front surface of the body along the projections of all chakras. Kryukova A.V.: Clean the chakra system, launch it. Koltsov S.V.: Well, Svetlana Luzginova suggested, she says: “well, in order not to waste such a colossal amount of time, you just need to charge water at twenty in a spray bottle and just sprayed the room and yourself. It takes seconds! And that's enough. Kryukova A.V.: So, structure the water at FSC 20, not only for the use of structured water inside, but also for spraying the premises and yourself. The clothes are the same, because I know - you come from the street, the spray gun is in the corridor, you sprayed the clothes, the space, and you can safely enter the house. Koltsov S.V.: Well, others will rather cling there, there will be some kind of corona virus that can cling. "20s" I did not see that they cling to clothes. Kryukova A.V .: Well, let's just say that the twenty will work out everything she needs. Koltsov S. V .: Well, in general, yes, she just disperses these ... takes them apart .... And the faster we deal with them, because what is the beauty of the twenty?! After its effect, these entities no longer jump over anyone. Kryukova A. V. (November 9, 2020): What changes are taking place with the Earth's magnetic field, with the external field? What new energies are coming to Earth? Koltsov S. V. (November 9, 2020): You see, we have clearly moved into the era of Aquarius. After all, it is no coincidence that this whole calendar was dropped for me this year! Kryukova A. V .: This plan, according to which the proofreaders .... Koltsov S.V..: We, as the solar system, are moving towards the bright side, and here now it will be the farther the more of these energies will manifest. We live in interesting times. Kryukova A. V. (November 9, 2020): Why did the energy-information impact on a person affect the work of the FSC? Maybe there was a general impact on the Earth? Koltsov S. V. (November 9, 2020): Maybe. That's how on the 28th, they took and covered everyone, you know, how Pandora's box was opened and essences were loaded here. What it is? I have no idea. But many see them. Now a friend is calling me, saying: “Listen, and I see what the impact of the coronavirus looks like!” I say, "What is it?" “You know, a lot of small midges, I brush them off, they tell me, what are you, the head went, and I see them!” Kryukova A. V .: I see it and brush it off! Accordingly, the overall impact on the Earth, you answered. Koltsov S.V.: Yes, it happens. Kaplina A.V. (December 9, 2020): Why some people are sensitive to changes in the external field and some are not. What does it depend on? Or does it depend on the person? Koltsov S. V. (December 9, 2020): No, this is from the state of the vascular system. I used to also feel pressure changes in the street, something else .... Now I already know how a log! I don't care what's going on right now. With atmospheric pressure….. Kaplina A.V.: That is, in principle, with the FSC, we do not depend on the external field of the Earth. Sometimes it happens when blocks. I understand when they are closed. Koltsov S.V.: When they are closed, yes. Kaplina A.V.: That is, if we do pumping…. Koltsov S.V.: In fact, when a person is regularly pumped with correctors, what is called the stability of the internal environment of homeostasis increases dramatically! Kaplina A.V. (December 9, 2020): I've been getting a lot of calls lately, the last 10 days, people are complaining about headaches. What do you recommend? And on poor sleep, that is, many people do not sleep. Those who more or less cope with correctors, those who do not have correctors - they do not sleep and have a headache. Koltsov S. V. (December 9, 2020): Yes! This is just the first sign that a person is closed. You can not check - the seventh one is closed for a person, then look who else is closed. Now this is the second and third, and this is massively closing! Both small and old. Kaplina A.V.: Sergey Valentinovich, you know, I was told that you should translate for ordinary people as a sign language interpreter. What are we doing? We take the twentieth corrector, put it on the seventh chakra, first for 10 minutes, then sit down on this corrector, and then go through the chakras..Right? If a person does not know what is closed where, and we go through each chakra. Koltsov S.V.: No need to climb the chakras especially, up and down is enough ... Kaplina A.V.: top and bottom at least? Koltsov S.V.: Yes, if you pump the rest of the chakras, then with something else. Kaplina A.V .: In principle, twenty can also be, for one or two minutes, and then work for physics .... Koltsov S. V.: It is possible, but it was made just for someone else. Kaplina A.V.: Many people complain that they do not sleep at all? Koltsov SV: Related things! If a person is open, then he will sleep normally. Kryukova A. V. (January 23, 2019): I want to thank Sergey Valentinovich not just for what he does for the Center Region Company, but for what he does in principle for the entire planet. Because these are different energies, these are different vibrations, and we need not just to adjust, we need to live in these vibrations as efficiently as possible. Koltsov S.V.: Well, in general, yes, we should not be afraid of these external changes, we will always find the answer. Question: Does the water of the Zam-Zam spring change in parallel with all the current disturbances of the environment? Koltsov S. V. (January 23, 2019): Well, I didn’t check. Yes, they must depend on it, because after all, the influence of the external field on any of the springs must be. Didn't check specifically. It's the whole story! Can you imagine, this water was brought, we asked who goes there for the Hajj, from this source from Saudi Arabia to be brought in glass. They say: “It’s forbidden there, only in plastic,” they waved their hand there, they say “ours will be brought.” They brought it. Koltsov S. V. (January 23, 2019): You see, every year we still get sick in different ways. It all depends on the structure of the external field. This year will not be normal. Kryukova A. V .: .... In no way do we cancel the effect of those correctors that have already been released. Because they say: “Are all the other FSCs that we bought before, I just saw the question, are they useless?” Koltsov S. V. (January 23, 2019): No, why? They perform all their functions, only, for example, this year there will be a peculiarity - they will have to be combined with some others, because there is too much diversity in terms of impact. Kryukova A.V. Therefore, I repeat, the action of other correctors is not canceled in any way, they all act according to their purpose: the blue series - physics, green, lilac, gold. It's just that their action is not always enough and it may be necessary to compensate for the effect of the external field with new correctors that are coming out now..Question: How can people harmonize with the processes taking place in the surrounding world, space, planet, nature, society? Koltsov S. V. (January 23, 2019): Well, this is what FSC did. To fit into the environment. Kryukova A.V.: This is one of the most important appointments of any correctors. Question: Please explain what "octave", "half an octave", "28 seconds" means, thank you. Koltsov S. V .: Well, the octave means musical, or its analogue ... .. Gusarova T.A.: The space has now expanded by three octaves…. Koltsov S. V.: Three octaves - what they say now has survived the quantum transition, well, the frequency range of higher and lower frequencies has become available. We were just in a different space. It is possible that all these entities appear from there. We used to just not be able to cross paths with them. The twenty-eight second problem is a more difficult problem, because the pacemaker, I remind you, is from 2008 about 34 seconds. And when they begin to act on the body in different places in two different rhythms, nothing good will come of it. Moreover, all the time it was hollowed out on the head. If you do nothing - do not erase, this can lead to a variety of consequences. Starting with all sorts of nervous deviations. Question: Have you noticed that all FSCs have changed their work? Koltsov S. V. (January 23, 2019): So this will happen every year. Because you understand, FSCs interact with both the external field and the Earth's field. The external field has changed - you should feel differently. The same FSC will work a little differently. But it normal. Question: What organs are being influenced from outside? Answer: And you know, for a long time already there are no organs, but flows to change consciousness. Koltsov S.V.: If a person falls ill for no reason, is it someone else's influence? It is not necessary at all, it can be a change in the external field. This is what happened in the summer, I noticed for the first time in Mongolia - what nonsense I think, four out of five are not adequate. All have their tops closed. Well, thank God, this is removed once, and it does not come back very quickly. Koltsov S. V. (2017): Strong excitation on the Sun, how to defend yourself? And you know, it wasn’t very noticeable, but as for us, information reached the Earth. For the first two outbreaks, there was no information reaction at all. They say that there who reacts to changes in the external field, I did not notice at all. Koltsov S. V. (2017..): The latest explosions on the Sun are eating up the Earth's magnetic field, does this affect the operation of the FSC? No, the dynamics have not changed in any way. They scare us with radiation, but this is not very scary for us, just use the 15th more often. Gusarova T. A.: And Anti-Tacaclysm. Koltsov S. V.: “Anti-tacism” is already too late. Question: will FSCs with four elements effectively cope with increasing energy-information impacts, or will it be necessary to constantly buy more powerful FSCs with the fifth element? Koltsov S.V.: No, not necessarily with the fifth element. In general, I noticed that over the past two years, all sorts of external attacks from the moon have somehow weakened, now there are completely different reasons. Question: What awaits us in the 17th year? Koltsov S.V. (December 7, 2016): From the point of view of the external field, I can only say after Epiphany, because there they show us the program for the current year. Question: Does the external field also affect our animals? Answer: Naturally! The question was asked at the conference What does a leap year have in store for us? (12/27/2016): Will they also work on 18-20-24? Koltsov S.V.: Why not?! These are not problems of the external field, but of relations between people, has something changed? Question: Who is hitting us? Koltsov SV: This is a big question. That is, it is clear that the radiation is coming - it is relayed from the Moon, we understood this, now we are not covering the territory on Earth, but simply put the map of the Moon on the full moon, and that's it. Koltsov S. V. (December 27, 2016): Well, here they ask to overlay the map of Ukraine with the necessary FSCs. We decided more radically - we took the whole Earth and covered it. Question: Does polarization change the structure of the water in the faucet, which blocks the radiation from the Moon? Koltsov S. V. (06/17/2016): Changes. It changes, transforms this radiation, and now I flew to Europe, yes, everything is the same there as in Moscow. An interesting question, I didn’t think about it, but here the remark is: “It turns out that if you covered the entire Earth with CFS, with CFS-type polarization, we get the best possible political situation in the world, including the isolation of the Russian Federation?” Koltsov S.V.: No, we create conditions for creative people who are able to think what they are doing. Question: Tell me, can you put FSC on the map of the city? In order to become purer, more beautiful, what FSC is possible? Koltsov S.V.: You can use any, but not on the maps that are used for traveling, it must be aerial photography. Question: Why didn't I cover the outer field with another FSC? Koltsov S.V. (7.12..2016): While we were thinking about what to cover, in general, I am never in a hurry, in the interval of two to three weeks. In the third week, all these changes ended. Therefore, there was no need. Koltsov S.V.: It is easier to correct the external flow than to try to convey to everyone's consciousness what can fall off there. Question: Now there is a lot of talk about the change of the Earth's poles in the coming years, but what do you think about this? Koltsov S. V.: So far, there is no direct evidence that they can somehow change there. Yes, there is evidence that the magnetic pole has diverged from the geographic one and has already gone somewhere to the territory of Canada. Look, when did you see Washington swept away like it is now?! Q: In general, how brutal was leap year 2016? Koltsov S.V. (December 7, 2016): I would not say that, in terms of information, he was quite calm. Another question is that natural disasters have begun to grow. Well, that's what was planned. In fact, the next year in terms of any natural anomalies will be even tougher. Please note that many geophysicists are already unanimously beginning to say that the explosion of the Yellowstone volcano cannot be avoided. And it is the largest in the world. That's how such a local cooling of ten years would not come at all. Moreover, according to various estimates, the dating of this volcano explosion is a year or two. Question: Can the FSC work for everyone - which “Anti-Cataclysm” so that the Yellowstone Volcano does not work? Koltsov S.V. (December 7, 2016): No, there are more serious geophysical processes, one plate runs over another, and I have little idea how to stop it somehow. Question: So the 14th FSC will be relevant? Koltsov S.V. (December 7, 2016): I did not understand the question, in my opinion it has always been relevant in its functional purpose. From the audience: When you rewrote the FSC in 2007, you said that there was such a need to rewrite it, do you think that such a situation will be created again? Koltsov S.V.: No, in the past 8 years I have specifically looked at various minerals - I did not meet any other rhythms that were before - in 51 seconds. Here is a good example of Yelets sea salt in Orenburg, it is considered the purest in the world and dates back 250 million years ago. So, the crystals remembered the rhythm in 51 seconds. And in order to use it now for its own benefit, it must be dissolved, because it is now playing the wrong rhythms..And now I am very wary of various pharmaceutical preparations that use mineral raw materials - they grind some minerals, but no one checks what is actually reproduced in their crystal structure. Therefore, there was a colossal headache when I selected a set of topics for cosmetology, I reviewed hundreds of different “mazyukolok” that women use. It really works - well, 2 percent will not be typed. Dummy. Question: They ask me a philosophical question, they quote my speech in Yalta when they say such healing minerals. And I am very wary of all minerals now. But how do hundreds of companies selling products from minerals flourish, and it’s still not clear which ones? Koltsov S.V. (December 7, 2016): Well, therefore, learn how to work with a pendulum or a biotensor, as they say, and all questions will disappear from you yourself. Yes, there are many minerals that are really .... Mostly quartz, rose quartz, rock crystal. I looked, there are amateurs there, the same Worms, he has one room filled with these minerals. This really does not apply to shungite. Shungite is one of those minerals, one of those zeolites, with which absolutely nothing should happen. Khotchenkova NV (08/23/16): Remember, we discussed the change in the Schumann frequency of the external field: it used to be 7.8 Hertz, now the lower limit is 7.83, it does not fall below. Jumps higher spontaneously than causes massive acute vascular accidents. Also three hundredths, and we talked with you: is it a lot or a little? In all devices that operate on the planet, we have a built-in base frequency of 7.8 Hertz, it remains, it is extremely difficult to remake devices. The question is different, when we go to take tests: hormonal studies, immunoglobulin studies, biochemistry of all blood, and the same hemoglobin - calibration curves are built there. And that's where these deviations in hundredths play a very important role. Hence, we very often get results that are not reproducible. Moreover, we can feel the same way today. Tomorrow, the day after tomorrow - three days in a row to take tests, and each time get different results. That's it because of these three hundredths. Therefore, today it is very difficult for us, the patients, and the doctors to whom we turn for help. Really very difficult. Question: How is the fungal microflora behaving now? Is there stimulation by an external field? Koltsov S. V. March 18, 2015.: You know, very even external fields, no sharp disturbances are visible, most likely the whole year will be like this. Once again I say: we are remaking something else. For example, I noticed during fasting: the broncho-pulmonary system was cleared for more than two weeks. It never happened. Question: The external information component influences the FSC Koltsov S. V. March 18, 2015: Yes, but it can last, especially on the full moon - well, a day or two, they somehow work a little differently. By the way, they noticed that this year somehow everyone: blue, green and lilac - what happened at Epiphany should not affect them in any way this year. Question: Constant lethargy, fatigue, no strength, what would you advise? Thank you. Koltsov S. November 12, 2015: And you hear me again, I'm saying: from September 21, the external field closes the second and seventh chakras, on the second we have kidneys, adrenal glands. And on an emotional level, it just drives you into depression. That's who previously fell under the influence of an external field, those begin to have this kind of depersnyak. Now, if there is “Danilovo Lake”, “Secret Lake”, well, these are serious volumes of water to drink. I'm waking up now in the morning, this is if I'm in a hurry somewhere, a liter, and so one and a half. This is from the morning. Question: If there is no diagnostics at hand, how can one determine which FSC will work better under various disturbances? Koltsov S. V. November 12, 2015: Well, this is a separate lecture. Start by looking for the work of Gabriel Lessour and see what the person was up to. Here it is necessary to control at a distance of 20 centimeters either from the fingertips or from some organic objects, for example, a piece of human hair, what happens on a subtle plane. A long time ago, more than a hundred years ago, he described everything. Question: Did the FSC of the blue series become weak or less effective due to the change in the external field? Koltsov S. V. October 13, 2015: This is not the point. It's just that the topics of influence are far removed from physiology. In recent years, they have mainly begun to work with people's minds. Previously, it was really simple topics - then one body starts to act up, then another, now it is much more complicated. Question: The "Energy of Life" pendant and phone protection have become stronger? When did this happen, and what was added there? Koltsov S.V. (December 27, 2016): Nothing was added there, it could just change the state of the external field, nothing more..Question: about the lack of literature Koltsov September 12, 2105: do you understand what the problem is? Those techniques that were used 5-6 years ago, due to the constantly changing external field, have to be constantly adjusted. FSCs remain the same, but new ways of using them have to be invented. What task is set - such and it is necessary to solve. Predict - well, I don't know how. Question: Why don't you tell about the Energy of Life pendant, how it removes external problems? Koltsov S. V. October 13, 2015: You know, I don't track statistics here. There are very strong themes spelled out Altai. Anything can be - from many things they can shoot. Here I repeat once again - stronger than "Love" and "Harmony"? - depending on the situation. They are all different. In one situation, some will work faster, in another, others, so such a comparison is not correct. It's like changing priorities. That's how now "Golden Sand" was ahead of some others. Question: Can you tell in more detail how to work with FSC for elderly chroniclers? You yourself said that the results can come in a year or two. There is an addiction and a decrease in the effect. Hotchenkova N. V. (Internet conference of October 4, 2013): I do not agree with addiction, functional state correctors are not addictive. There is another situation much more serious. The fact is that many simply underestimate what is happening now, and do not want to perceive everything at all. There are very serious reconfigurations of space. And we live in this information field. We live on this planet, and we have nowhere to go from here. Therefore, you and I must adequately respond to any settings of space, any changes in the chord that develops according to the vibrations of space. If you and I are lagging behind, then this “addictive effect” is observed, moreover, those with whom we dealt with at the initial stage of work with FSC, say, the same cytomegaloviruses, chlamydia, and some other pathogenic microorganisms , they are like a parallel space, a parallel world, they react very actively to any changes in space. Rapidly dividing cells absorb new energy very quickly. And we, as hyper-complex systems, react hard to all this, especially with age. And when the consciousness also lags behind in terms of settings, the physiological functions of the internal organs are thereby inhibited. This is where the effect of getting used to, especially to blue correctors, arises..These are medicinal plants, and today they work mainly with the lower chakras. And you can’t cope with the upper chakras without green, without lilac ones, so there must be one of these correctors. Today you won’t get far on one and two, this is the initial stage. Indeed, the results may not come immediately, because if we have been sick for, say, 20-30 years, then it will take 2-3 years to put the body in order, but we are already getting the initial results, and quite quickly, the problem is that the field is changing all the time, and a lot of things are being pulled out of us that we were not even aware of. That is, purges, purges, purges, then according to one system, then according to another, then according to the third, then according to the fourth. This applies to you and me, and me, and Koltsov, and all leaders, any person. You look, then one is limping, then another groans, then the third without a voice, these are normal processes. Therefore, look, take some universal correctors of the green series, take something from the universal FSCs of the lilac series. Let's say the 11th and 16th are shown to everyone. "Healthy Generation" - for both children and adults according to spiritual settings. You see, any of the lilac correctors has three mandatory channels, the rest of the channels are different, hence the correctors differ in information. Therefore, stopping the symptoms of the physical body, it is necessary to work with consciousness. You need to get away from resentment. Here is the problem of old age - we love to be offended. I also sometimes catch myself on this. There are all kinds of situations. If children are not attentive to us, well, then we raised them ourselves. There is no one to scold, right? We don't like the pension reform - we ourselves have chosen such a government, well, and so on. The options are all on the surface! Well, it is necessary, in general, now to respond to all these changes in space. Therefore, with the elderly, yes, I agree, it is very difficult, especially when they do not want to perceive anything, well, what to do .... We can partially help. And then it's a person's choice: you can listen or hear, you can watch or not see. Try to open your eyes with examples. By the way, on the 11th there is a program that allows you to say goodbye to insults. Question: What is happening to the moon? Hotchenkova N.V.: Approaching the Earth, and gradually loses its properties of influencing us. Therefore, the lunar influence is manifested today at the full moon and new moon. Question: What is the difference between the external field of the Moon and the external field of the Earth? FSC on the Moon don't work? Koltsov S.V..: But why? The external radiation will remain there. Why won't it work? Will. Another question: "Who creates radiation from the Moon?". I do not accidentally emphasize: "Who?". It's not the satellite itself. Question: I read from Kryon that in Arkaim 28,834 years ago a living crystal was placed at a great depth - this is the sacred heart of Russia, the second crystal in Egypt is under the sphinx, and the third one is at the depth of Lake Baikal. Khotchenkova N.V.: Yes, there is such information - before the next polarity reversal, we all know that approximately 13,000 years, 26 thousand years, and so on - these are the cycles. Here - on the eve of another polarity reversal. That’s why I say that it’s just like that today to places of power, it’s not worth going on excursions, these are all very serious things, not everyone can stand it, some begin to carry like that, and some begin a very powerful activation. By the way, in places of power we work without plates. We arrive there, if some problems begin to manifest themselves, it is already possible to use plates there, but in places of power we do not work with plates. Question: Arriving from Arkaim, the energy potential of my organism decreased according to Kano's diagnostics, why? Hotchenkova N.V.: How can I tell you? When did it happen? You see, after the chakra opened there, Arkaim causes a very serious reconfiguration for many. Therefore, the energy reserve of the body for someone increases, for someone it decreases, for someone tantrums begin, someone has something. for someone in general, as they say, combustion can begin. That is, the temperature is absolutely groundless up to forty for 3-4 days jumps, then falls, here the ambulance will not help, here just some water is best. And lie down so that no one interferes. These things happen sometimes too. Why do I say that places of power are not for excursions today, until recently - yes, now already - no. This is the chakra of the planet. Question: Tell me, are Altai threatened by earthquakes? Khotchenkova N.V.: The princess was returned, I was already in the museum of Gorno-Altaisk, a special annex with low temperatures was made there, they don’t allow her, but the dummy is on display, and things from the burial are also on display. Therefore, because of the princess, earthquakes are not threatened, but of course there will be earthquakes, this is a mountainous territory, in part, but there will be. Question: Salbykh barrow. Hotchenkova N.V.: Yes, I understand, this is Khakassia, near Abakan. After that, my legs began to hurt a lot - feet..This is a place of power, and the Salbykh barrow is included in the triangle, all places of power on the planet are connected in symmetrical triangles - paired triangles, and the Salbykh barrow is included in one of them. That is, this is a very serious place, it is not a burial as such, because places of power are milestones for restoring the crystal lattice of the consciousness of humanity as a species. There are powerful releases of energy. That is, maybe you stood in the center of the mound more than necessary. In principle, it is better to bypass this place, as it were, walk along the stones and return without entering the central zones. To get away from this, try to do pumping. Crosses - it's like giving a drink, well, truncated pumping, it's, let's say, sat down on five, one and two under the feet. Foot baths from the second plate. Some serious problems have been activated. Question: Does it make sense to shield a person from an external field? Koltsov S.V.: No way! Because we are children of the open space. And you can't protect yourself from everything with a Faraday cage. Question: Why are my feet constantly cold? Koltsov S.V. (December 7, 2016): Look at your spine. I forgot to mention this, I remind you once again: a huge number of problems are connected precisely with the state of the spine. Any of the departments. Yesterday I was talking with a friend, he is my manager. the rehabilitation department at the clinical road hospital, and we periodically call him up there, I just check if I understand correctly what is happening outside. And it is the spine that rules dozens of people a day. So, when the state of the external field changes, absolutely identical sections of the spine begin to fall out on the stream. That is, simply by having a connection with people who work with their hands, you can clearly check whether these places are affected by an external field, or which ...