Gambling, computer addiction. Application of FSC Correctors of Koltsov's functional state in treatment..

Kaplina A.V. (December 9, 2020): And mothers are often closed and they are like “I don’t believe in anything, I don’t want anything”, usually they are sisters, parents are their mothers, grandmothers get children, that is, they notice that the child is developing, and mothers like this. Many more mothers are now asking for help because the children begin to be rude, do not obey, play a lot, sleep during the day, play at night, do not want to study, deceive, due to the pandemic there is a dependence on the computer, what to do about it? How can we help our next generation? Koltsov S. V. (December 9, 2020): There is really only one recipe, raising a child begins in the family. Restrict the computer, and hard! Kaplina A.V.: Tough, yes. I myself have such a problem, he shows me “you see the door over there, you go out” Koltsov S. V .: Well, my grandson almost never gets out of the computer either .... Kaplina A.V.: What to do then?! Even girls, I thought only boys, even girls are the same. He cheats, I say “did you do your homework?” “Done”, the teacher calls, says “There will be no certificate”, well, that is, what to do with it at all. That is, the psyche is disturbed in children. Koltsov S.V.: Repressions. Kaplina A.V.: What kind of repression? Take away? So they know how they say: “and we will complain that you are being rude to me there. And I'm going to jump out the window. Suicide" Koltsov S.V.: Yes, yes, yes. Mine did the same... Kaplina A.V .: And they are probably taught there at school .... Koltsov S.V .: He can give it to his grandmother like that, and let him try it for dad or me! Kaplina A.V.: Why are you taking a belt? Koltsov S.V.: I can. I can cure the fifth point. Kaplina A.V .: It’s clear, after all, a belt and a guilty butt help Koltsov S.V .: Well, the doctors stated that if you also hit the coccyx with your little finger, it’s useful! Question: What FSC of the golden series will help with computer addiction? Hotchenkova N.V.: Well, the 24th should help. He removes zombies. You can immediately add a “Healthy Generation” to put the brains in their place so that the information field is not empty. But it is very likely that all people with addictions, since this is connected with the energy-informational component of a person, have astral entities, so here the 20th one is for sure, and over time, or maybe immediately “Mirror of the Soul”. Question: To remove computer addiction FSC 11, 16, 14, Antitobacco? Hotchenkova N.V..: What does "Anti-tobacco" have to do with it? Here, taking into account the fact that certain codes are transmitted through computers over the network, through computer games, through social sites, then maybe “Insight” is better here? It is the codes to disband? Question: A 20-year-old girl, a joyless sex life from the age of 16, up to two in the night in nets, sleeps until 11, weak joints, practically does not grow for several years, her hair does not lengthen, what do you advise? Hotchenkova N.V.: First of all, to protect from the computer. If she has no correctors at all - one, two. "Healthy Generation" for starters. Add a three. Here, these are the same nerds who violate their own biorhythms, knock them down completely, and all this is amplified by computer networks. Quite right. Weak joints - add the sixth "Protetion" to start, then the tenth corrector. This is where Healing works well. And the hair does not grow because biorhythms are knocked down, metabolic processes are disturbed, this will help to solve the one, two, three, most likely, and there are not enough trace elements. Question: How to save a teenager from gambling without his desire? Koltsov S. V.: A serious question, I know one precedent when a person got rid of gambling in adulthood, indeed, this is a serious disease, well, he began to take the last thing out of the house. The wife so unobtrusively put the five in her pocket - well, let it be. All the same, he walks and walks, carries and carries, then, somehow in the morning, he wakes up - why do I actually go there? What did I lose there? And didn't go. They call him a day later: well, where are you lost? Why don't you come in? And he told them profanity: go guys, I've already been to you. And stopped. Actually, these topics are spelled out on the top five. But the topics are very tough and I don’t know how a teenager with an unformed psyche will react there. Question: My 11-year-old son has signs of computer addiction, I have been using FSC No. 5 for almost a month, and put it in my child's pillow at night. So far there are no results. Please tell me what to do. Koltsov S. V.: Today we said that this happens very slowly in children. Indeed, very slowly, because in them these resonant frequencies are superimposed on an immature psyche, on an unformed endocrine system. Here, as they say, it just takes time. It would be nice to work with FSC No. 1 on structuring and harmonizing the internal space of the house, in order, as they say, to work with consciousness as well. And only the fifth plate will not work here..Here we need the first, second, fifth plates. Question: Computer addiction. Desire to get away from reality, books, computer games, dreams. Is there anything you can do to help with these issues? Zaporozhets M.A.: Well, maybe this is not a problem, now few people read books. On the contrary, maybe you are in the right reality. Just state your intention - what you want. Question: Computer addiction of children, young dads, your comment? Zaporozhets M.A.: What can I do here? There are a lot of interesting and even spiritual things on the Internet, including those for children, developing programs. For example, in our time there was a film magazine “I want to know everything”, and all Soviet film magazines are posted on Yandex, all sorts of experiments and physical phenomena are very well shown there. That is, do it smoothly. Replace one information for children with another. You will have to look for this information on the Internet and offer it yourself. And then the next step is to take them on walks, to sports events, so that there is no time to sit at the computer. That is, it is necessary that one information replace another. Question: What to do with computer addiction? Zaporozhets M.A.: If a person realizes that he is dependent on a computer, that's half the battle. He should have a desire to free himself, moreover, easily, simply and with joy for himself. Not for the purpose that he will deprive himself of something interesting, but precisely for his own development - with joy. And it will help in this, if we talk about FSC, again - to which hand will reach out. All based on common sense, by topic...