Fungal diseases. Application of FSC Correctors of Koltsov's functional state in treatment..

Question: Tell me how to use proofreaders to protect yourself and your family from infection with the virus during general influenza?
Hotchenkova N.V.: Put protection. If there are no lilac FSCs, you can try to work with one, only work as in a channel, as with a cosmic energy plate to protect against any respiratory viruses. That is, to thank one for protection from any viruses that cause respiratory diseases, including the flu virus. Or protection can be put on the 14th, on the 15th, on the 16th plates from viral diseases. Since the plates usually work with a specific person, then, say, the "Golden Pyramid" - the whole family is placed in a golden pyramid, and a protection program against respiratory viruses is set up. S. V. Koltsov (from a lecture in Magnitogorsk, 2010): temperature is a direct contraindication to use water procedures. It is impossible - a medical contraindication. But if you use water structured on FSC, this is a direct indication. Hundreds, thousands of situations, when a person with a temperature of under 40 comes, pours structured water into the bath. I did this with children, ten years ago. When my youngest was still in school. He comes from school - he calls: dad, they kicked me out, I have 39 and a half, what should I do? I say, you see, there is a “piece of iron” on the table? I see. Tie a rubber band to the faucet, pour a bath, repeat this bath at intervals of two hours. There is enough daylight hours to make it 36.6 in the evening. Without any pills. It is precisely due to the fact that we are a barrel of water, and similar must be treated with similar. By changing the structure of water in the body mass, we thereby restructure the cellular and intercellular fluid. We bring it back to normal. We put things in order in the body. A direct characteristic of the order is a decrease in temperature. A person falls ill - the degree of chaos in the body grows, the temperature rises. That's why they work so fast. Any number can be used in this situation. And you have to look at the situation.