Glands. Application of FSC Correctors of Koltsov's functional state in treatment..

Question: Drink water from the first and seventh and "Longevity" too, or can you just apply it? day, a 60-year-old man, for some time at three o'clock wakes up from a severe headache, and feels severe physical exhaustion. How to help FSC? N.V. Khotchenkova: Well, again, you need to understand what kind of process is going on. Because I have repeatedly said that we are very often awakened from two to four in the morning, when there is a connection to the common crystal lattice of the consciousness of humanity as a species, everyone in their belt is connected, and their heads hurt. 2 points can hurt: it means that the crown itself, where the channel passes, is the so-called crown chakra, and the upper exit of the third eye chakra, which is located approximately in the middle of the line from the forehead to the crown. That is, information passes through these 2 points. Well, if the pain is very severe, you can apply Longevity to relieve the pain. At least I do that sometimes, but for the first time for a short period of time..