Emotional states, adjustment, practices for adjustment. Application of FSC Correctors of Koltsov's functional state in treatment..

Question: The practice of collecting phantoms, in what cases should it be done?
Merzlyakova E. M. (April 22, 2020): This is just a text. The text is experimentally collected from Rogozhkin's eniology - the technique is good, Khromova Nina Andreevna is also good, there are things like that. It is a definite, well-defined mental attitude. When I feel that something not pleasant is happening, well, for example, I feel aggression, not aggression, not so much energetically, maybe, but a connection, right? This is either a thin thin thin sound in the ear, or needles, or somewhere the knitting needle starts to stick somewhere, or I understand that the wrong mood arises in my head. This is a direct connection of energy. I immediately collect phantoms. I just say to myself or say out loud that all my phantoms .... How many times do I need it, how many times do I need it. Now, about two hours before the start of this conference, all these things began, I don’t know how many times I read it, I read it to myself maybe 15 times..