Plaques. Application of FSC Correctors of Koltsov's functional state in treatment..

Question: A 64-year-old man, there are plaques of different shapes and sizes on his back, which FSCs?
Khotchenkova N.V.: What plaques? What plaques? If you mean viral rashes, then you need to clean it very well. If these plaques were before the use of the plates, then their number on the plates may increase even more. If plaques appear during the use of the plates, this is what is excreted from the body through the skin and gets stuck in the skin. So, here you need to work either through ointments from the first plate, or put these programs on the 15th, on the 14th there are antiviral programs, on the 16th, please. It’s easier on one, set for a day, and then smear, but cosmic energy plates - you can structure water on them, and every day either a systemic bath or shower. Better yet, several times a day. Then it all goes away. And be sure to remove the problems of the gastrointestinal tract, that is, dysbacteriosis, clean the liver, large intestine - 1, 2, 5 plates..