Arrhythmia, pulse. Application of FSC Correctors of Koltsov's functional state in treatment..

Question: Arrhythmia?
Akselrod A.E.: Tamara, I have reviews on arrhythmias, they just give nine for half a minute, only attention, 76 years old is serious, and the arrhythmia passes, give me water for nine. Do not overdo it so that there are pills, if suddenly something happens, do not hesitate to regulate the pills, proofreaders do not cancel medicine. Question: The girl is 16 years old .... The head zone, the pulse is 110-130 beats, there are FSC No. 1 and 2. Merzlyakova E.M.: Well, on the projection of the temporal zone of the head for half an hour a day, one - two - one - one - one - one - one - one or wear a double on the left side of the chest or on the left shoulder. Arcanum is a FSC series launched in 2022. The first live broadcast on the ARCAnum series. September 18, 2022 General questions regarding the entire series Koltsov S. V. (September 18, 2022): Well, once upon a time I researched, I will digress a little about the Arcanum series. Some of the leaders for some reason began to say such a recitative that this is a step back after the Vedic themes, I don’t think so, because it will be a direct addition to the blue series, which was actually formed more than 10 years ago. Here, these topics are very similar, but on a completely different level. Completely on another level! Therefore, it is still a step forward anyway. Kryukova A. V .: I would even say not a step, but a step! Because what is not available to many in the form of preparations, we provide in the form of FSCs. Koltsov S. V.: Yes, there are a lot of exotic Ayurvedic topics here that a person without special training does not know what to do. Kryukova A. V.: Firstly, Ayurvedic consultations are necessary, this is generally a very long and very complicated process, and secondly, we combine such components that simply cannot fit in one preparation, there are too many of them! And they are too versatile. But informationally they are complementary, synergistic and work great. Koltsov SV: Yes, at the chemical level, many will simply contradict each other. But on the informational everything is in order. Well, what I want to say is that we are launching a new series. Hope it stays relevant. For a long time. I, at least, do everything for this. Maximus Kryukova A. V. (September 18, 2022): Is it planned to release a similar corrector for women? As far as I understand, probably similar to Maximus. SV Koltsov: And we have a set there. There is also Bereginya. Kryukova A.V .: When Anna Vasilievna spoke, she said that there is Bereginya. We have correctors for women - the Yin Love Formula. Koltsov S. V.: And the bracelet, what was it called? Kryukova A. V..: Enchantress bracelet! Indeed, we shout in unison “and we already have it for women”, so we say that when we release Arcanum, Sergey Valentinovich will be the first to release it for our men. Kryukova A. V. (September 18, 2022): Can women use FSC Maximus opening of the first and seventh chakras? Koltsov SV: I would not. If you do this - just called at your own risk. But if you do, please share your results with us..